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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

5 Ways To Improve Your Life In 2021

Transitions can bring us from a place of discontent to one of satisfaction. As we embrace 2021, we’re welcoming positive change, but that idea can be…

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Metabolic Health in the Age of Quarantine: 5 Ways to Break Out!

The “#Quarantine15” hashtag started trending on social media right after the coronavirus pandemic began. Many of us poked fun about how easy it is for…

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Quitting Carbs and Sugar: Does It Help With Weight?

Nearly 200 years ago the average American only ate 6.3 pounds of sugar a year. Not that a 19th-century menu was great — but at least we know it wasn’t…

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Recipe: Our healthy vegetable broth with little salt

1 portion approximatly contains 9 calories - 0.3 g calories - 0.6 g fat - 0.5 g protein - 0 g fiber

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Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon

Watch the NEW Almased TV commercial!

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Coco Cocktail

254 calories

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Men: The Top 8 Nutrients You’re Not Getting Enough Of

For many of us, the concept of “good nutrition for men” sounds like some sort of weird contradiction — men love eating like cavemen, so how can that…

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Using Celebrities As Role Models For Weight Loss: Is it Realistic?

You want to lose weight but you really need inspiration, and you need it now! Who do you turn to? Well, according to a recent study, almost 50 percent…

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This Woman Changed Her Diet, Lost 20 Pounds and Looks Amazing!

It’s easy to feel insecure about our bodies. Ironically, this fear and anxiety can actually hold us back from doing the very activities that can help…

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Almased with Lime

379 calories

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7 Weight-Loss Fails to Avoid

Weight loss can be a minefield, one filled with potential pitfalls and wrong-way road signs. But why? One big reason why we can so often be led astray…

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Men: Can Losing Body Fat Support Natural Hormone Balance?

It’s hard to avoid all those radio commercials about “low T” — or low testosterone.

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You've Met Your Weight Loss Goal: What Now?

You did it … hard work, healthier food choices and more physical activity, and now you’re reached your weight loss goal! So take those selfies, post…

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On the Almased Weight Loss Journey

Lisa is giving us an inside look into her weight loss journey as she uses Almased to lose weight before her big wedding day!

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Easy Vanilla-Banana Shake

224 calories

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You've Retired, But Your Metabolism Shouldn't

One of the reasons that you don’t hear the “Retired” word any more whenever AARP is discussed is that the organization realized that most people are…

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Almased Diet Success Tips

This video will tell you important diet tips to help you be successful on the Almased Diet.

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Stress Management Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

No doubt about it - stress wreaks havoc with the body. And in dealing with stress we learn, early in life, that food can bring us comfort. 

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