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Everything about living a healthier lifestyle with our weight loss protein shakes recipes included.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Can My Diet Be An Immune System Booster?

Your diet affects how you feel and how well your body functions. While a nutrient-dense, well-rounded diet supports your immune system, a diet that’s…

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Cellular Health and Aging — Why Protein Is Our Pro-Living Powerhouse

Every single movement, in fact every single thing we do — from running to catch a frisbee or walking the dog — demands energy, energy from our cells…

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Need to lose weight? Here’s how to make working out fun

Losing weight may seem like hiking up a mudslide, but it’s possible, and there are some ways to make the process fun. Before we get to the exciting…

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Hunger Hormones — Can the Right Diet Help?

Ghrelin is a hormone that spikes appetite, food intake and fat storage. Leptin, however, blocks hunger.

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Diabetic-Friendly Shake Recipe: Cinnamon Roll

240 calories

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Flu Diet: Should You Start A Diet When You Have A Cold?

What happens if you’ve psyched yourself into being ready for a new weight loss diet and you come down with the sniffles?

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Fermentation and Unlocking the Power of Food

Fermentation is nature’s chemical magic that turns organic substances into simpler compounds by enzymes that are produced by yeasts, bacteria or…

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You Need a Strong Immune System Year-Round

There’s a common understanding that flu (and now COVID-19) season falls during the winter months; summer is all about school closures, outdoor music…

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Carrot Cake

365 calories

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: PB & J Shake

250 calories

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Protein, Amino Acids and the Power of Research

Did you know that there are more than 10,000 different types of protein throughout the body?

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Orange Creamsicle

236 calories

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Alma-Mary

250 calories

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Raspberry Lemon

267 calories

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Meal: Smoked Pork Chop in Apple Mustard Sauce

1 portion contains approximately: 400 calories

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: German Chocolate Cake

320 calories

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5 Ways To Give Your Body the “Gut Punch” It Needs

With all of the hoopla about gut health recently, it’s hard to believe that — not that long ago — the digestive system was looked at as basically one…

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Having A Summer Health Goal? We’ll Help You Reach It

Now that the sun is lazing about in the sky, you may find yourself asking: ‘is my body summer-ready?’ Our Almased team wants you to feel proud of your…

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