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Everything about living a healthier lifestyle with our weight loss protein shakes recipes included.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

How To Lose Weight in Just 2 Weeks

If you are searching for the best diet to lose weight quickly, look no further. Our diet plan and healthy tips will show you how to lose weight fast…

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Hormone Adiponectin: How to Boost Fat Burn in the Weight Loss Journey

We’ve all known that “special” person who can eat second helpings of just about anything and not gain weight. Many of us want to be that person, yet…

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Sunshine Smoothie

283 calories

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Following A Macro Diet Using Almased

Before we take a look at what a macro diet is, let’s first say what it is not — it’s not a macrobiotic diet, which is a diet where you eat food at…

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The Perfect Diet Plan: How Much Weight Should I Lose to Be Healthy?

Have you been deliberating over a new diet and scouting around for the best weight loss plan? There is no lack of information out there. Your…

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One Phenomenon, Many Phenomenal Effects

Almased is a meal replacement powder made from 3 high-quality ingredients, non-GMO plant-based protein, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey, combined in a…

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Irish Crème Coffee

253 calories

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Seven Easy Tricks for Metabolic Health

We’re dying to know the secrets to metabolism. But, guess what? There are no magical secrets, just common-sense ways we give ourselves a metabolic…

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Alma-Colada

242 calories

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Protein Shakes: How to Lose Baby Weight Fast

You know it's essential to keep track of your newborn's weight for health reasons, and it’s just as important for new moms to keep tabs on their…

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Chocolate Hazelnut Delight

260 calories

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How Switching from An Unhealthy Diet to Almased Helps Us Achieve Better Metabolic Health

June is National Men’s Health Month, and although the month is ending, we encourage all men (including the men in your life) to care for their bodies…

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Yogurt-Blueberry

304 calories

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Peanut Butter Banana

453 calories

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Creamy Avocado

266 calories

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Why Can't I Lose Weight?

You think you found the best diet ever and it seemed to be working so well - only to discover that you’ve been cutting calories yet not losing weight.…

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Diet vs. Exercise: 5 Weight Loss Tips to Help You Burn Fat

The battle of the bulge has always been a struggle between eating less and moving more. It’s a simple formula. We need to make changes to get the…

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10 Perfect Summer Healthy Breakfast Smoothies Recipes

Create a greener future for yourself and the environment. Aim for a full spectrum of rainbow smoothies made from fruits and vegetables such as…

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