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Following A Macro Diet Using Almased


  • Protein — the Master Macronutrient 
  • Carbs — Making Friends With Them 
  • Fat — Why We Need It 
  • A High-Protein, Low-Glycemic Diet: “A Calorie Is Not Just a Calorie” 
  • Metabolism and Almased 

Before we take a look at what a macro diet is, let’s first say what it is not — it’s not a macrobiotic diet, which is a diet where you eat food at room temperature! 

Instead, a macro diet is one that encourages a healthy balance of the three macronutrients — protein, fat and carbohydrates. 

While macro diet gurus want you to use macro-diet calculators and to evaluate each food as to “If It Fits Your Macros,” there is no set-in-stone ratio of macros a person must eat. It is different from person to person and depends on a variety of factors, including your height, weight, age, activity level, and your wellness goals. 

While other diets ask you to count points or buy yucky pre-packaged frozen meals, the core of the macro diet only really requires us to be conscious of two things: (1) the balance of macronutrients that we eat each day and (2) the quality of the foods we’re eating to meet our nutrients goals — more on this in a minute. 

The great news is that the Almased Diet gives you an optimal balance of macronutrients starting, of course, with high-quality protein. 

Almased is made from three high-quality ingredients: non-GMO soy, yogurt and enzyme-rich honey, all combined in a unique fermentation process with an ideal 2:1 protein and carb ratio.


Protein — the Master Macronutrient 

The body has a constant need for protein and essential amino acids for metabolic health. 

Experts say that people should shoot for up to 35% of their day’s worth of calories from protein, which is equivalent to two to three servings of protein-rich foods daily. 

You probably want to aim for at least 8 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight daily, which is approximately 46 grams of protein for women and 56 grams of protein for men. 


Aside from gut health and metabolic health, protein is involved in a wide range of processes that generate energy, transport oxygen, keep cells healthy and control appetite. 

Eating more protein has been proven to increase metabolism by 15 to 30 percent and enhance a feeling of fullness, making us less likely to overeat. Protein also helps protect lean muscle while the body burns off extra fat. 

And soy is one of your best protein options.  

One of the reasons why soy’s such an incredible nutritional ally is precisely because of its naturally occurring bioactive peptides.  

Peptides are pieces of protein that are built with amino acids — when these amino acids join together, they make up an amino-peptide. And when peptides link up, they form the basis of proteins.  


Peptides are very important in a whole range of body functions, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones. 

And getting back to high-quality nutrients, as for protein quality from different sources (including meat), while meat does have a high protein efficiency ratio, soybeans score higher than beef on a measure of protein quality called the “Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score.” 

Every serving of our Almased meal-replacement formula is packed with 27 grams of high-quality non-GMO protein! 


Carbs — Making Friends With Them 

While carbohydrate’s main function is to provide energy for the body, all carbs are not created equal. 

Biochemists usually slot carbs into one of two categories, simple carbohydrates (known as sugars) and complex carbohydrates (known as fibers and starches). 


To measure the impact of sugars and carbs on our body, scientists and nutritionists developed the glycemic index (GI), which assigns a number to each food depending on its ability to increase blood glucose levels. The lower the GI value of a carbohydrate, the lesser an impact it has on blood sugar levels.  

Science tells us that eating low-glycemic, fiber-rich foods — like peas, lentils, legumes, whole grains — in one meal, for example, can block blood sugar levels from spiking up after eating the next meal. 

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and vegetables. Fiber-rich complex carbs are the very best carbs to include in your diet, along with a protein source and good fats.


Simple carbs are the carbohydrates we have to be very careful with, however, and being cautious about sugars is especially important for people with diabetes. 

Added sugars are in the carb danger zone and include glucose, maltose and sucrose.  

They can be hidden away in such sweeteners as rice malt syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and fruit-juice nectars, and they’re added to thousands of products, including baked goods, candies and soda. 

Considering that carbohydrates should make up approximately 45% of our daily diet, we just need to be carb conscious and aim to include more of the healthiest carbs on our plates. 


Fat — Why We Need It 

Fat is the main energy supplier, so we need to consume high-quality essential fatty acids (EFAs), such as omega-3s.  

Good fats help to improve our metabolism and may lower elevated cholesterol and high triglycerides. They’re also needed by the body to absorb certain vitamins.  

Experts say we should get at least 20% of our calories from good fats. 

It’s best to shoot for 5–7 tsp of added oil (such as flaxseed, olive, and walnut oil) per day. You can easily mix 1–2 tsp of oil in each Almased shake. 


A High-Protein, Low-Glycemic Diet: “A Calorie Is Not Just a Calorie” 

In a recent study — one that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition — the authors decided to look at a group of healthy, normal-weight people between the ages of 18 and 35 who were randomly placed into one of two groups.   

One group received Almased. The second group was fed a diet with the same number of calories, but was high in carbs and low in protein – which is pretty much what we could call a standard North American diet.   

The Almased-supplemented participants experienced the following benefits:  

  • Increased thermogenesis, meaning that metabolism was enhanced and absorption of nutrients was improved.  
  • Enhanced fat burning — specifically that the body (a) was burning body fat instead of carbs as fuel and (b) was moving more fat out of storage and into cells’ energy factories, the mitochondria, where they were used for energy.  
  • Decreased resistance to weight loss and improved ability to stay appetite-satisfied.  
  • Improved use of carbs, along with a reduced tendency to gain fat.  

The results? The researchers say this study offers further proof that “a calorie is not just a calorie.”  

This means a high-protein low-glycemic diet, one with the same number of calories as a regular diet, can provide dramatically better benefits for metabolism and more.


Metabolism and Almased 

Almased is different from regular weight-loss shakes since it does all of these things really well: increases our metabolic set point; boosts our potential for greater strength; makes body-weight goals easier; and helps us hold onto muscle. 

What Almased makes different is what a leading scientist said: You see the metabolic effect of Almased even before the first pound is lost.

How is this possible? It’s not losing weight that primarily influences metabolism; it’s Almased itself that positively influences metabolism from the very first shake. Because when our metabolism is not working against us, but for us, our body is already trying to lose fat. Because of this, it can be much easier to keep your weight off after you begin. 


Protein-packed and low-glycemic Almased is perfectly suited to be an important part of a macro diet or, in fact, of any responsible diet which calls for high-quality protein, a complete range of amino acids and smart nutrients.



Give Almased a try!

You can find Almased at WalgreensCVSAmazon and Swanson Health. To speak with a representative about how Almased can fit into your lifestyle, call toll-free 1-877-256-2733.




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