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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

What Is a Low-Glycemic Diet with High-Protein?

Dr. David Jenkins developed the glycemic index (GI) in the 1980s as a way of explaining how dietary carbohydrates impact blood sugar. The higher the…

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Glycemic index - what does it say and why is it so important?

Not all foods have the same effects on blood sugar and insulin levels.

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HbA1c - All about Long-Term Blood Sugar Levels

Get ready to take control of your health by understanding the significance of long-term blood sugar levels.

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Reversing Diabetes Is Possible with Diabetic Meal Replacement Shakes

Highlights – Yes, the progression of diabetes can be slowed or reversed. Learn how a meal replacement diet can revolutionize the management of…

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Diabetes Management: Best Diet for Diabetics

Highlights – About 10% of the U.S. population has diabetes; type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent. Both the disease and side effects of medicinal…

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Biohack Your Diet with Almased

Biohacking is a way to reduce oxidative stress in the body.

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Why Is It Hard to Lose Weight With Diabetes?

Is it hard to lose weight with type 2 diabetes? It sure can be, but it is not as hard as some people think.

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Blood Glucose: How Diet Affects Blood Sugar Levels

Highlights – Many people with diabetes are not diagnosed until after the damage has been done. The slow metabolism and weight gain that can accompany…

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Weight Loss and Diabetes Here is the Link

Recent research reveals that exercise and minor weight loss are vital in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, even for those predisposed…

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Making Sense of Diabetes and Obesity, and Navigating Around Both!

Highlights – Does obesity cause diabetes or vice versa? Insulin resistance; When our bodies rebel. Going low-GI, with help from Almased. Right up…

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The Low Carb Diet: Choosing the Right Diet For You

Anyone who has tried dieting knows that to make any headway with weight loss, you have to cut down on your calorie intake somehow. That’s a given. 

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Does the Food Industry Have a Dirty Little Secret?

Plus 5 ways a good diet can help us maintain healthy blood sugar levels

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Senior Wellness: How Nutritional Needs Change as You Age

Children are not little adults; their nutritional needs are very different than those of grown-ups. So, in the same way, adults over age 50 need…

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What Happens When We Eat Low in Sugar, High in Protein?

When you make a diet change that goes low in sugar, the first thing you may notice are sugar cravings. That’s your brain arguing for its habitual…

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Weight Loss Trends: Benefits of a Low-Glycemic High-Protein Diet

Weight loss trends will vary throughout the years, but some things don’t change. The human body remains pretty much the same according to nutritional…

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The Sugar Connection: How Does Sugar Cause Inflammation?

No doubt about it, kicking the sugar addiction is a good thing for weight loss, feeling better, and overall wellness in general.

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Non-Medicinal Alternative Approaches in Blood Sugar Management

The main causes for type-2-diabetes are a diet that is too high in calories, overweight and lack of exercise. The lifestyle disease has reached…

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Almased's Low Glycemic Index

Not all foods elevate your blood sugar and insulin levels equally. Whether those levels increase a little or a lot depends on the glycemic index (GI)…

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