| 16 minutes

The Low Carb Diet: Choosing the Right Diet For You

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Anyone who has tried dieting knows that to make any headway with weight loss, you have to cut down on your calorie intake somehow. That’s a given. 

Then why are there so many different weight-loss diets? And, if anyone of these diets really do work, wouldn’t we all be skinny by now?

When Dr. Atkins came out with the first version of his low-carb diet in 1972, many folks loved the lure of an all-you-can-eat menu of steak, butter, eggs and fat. 

While this was appealing, up to a point, people grew to miss some of those carbs . . . and regular bowel movements!

The Wheat-Belly diet, the Grain-Brain diet, and the Keto diet are all just sequels or “prequels” to the low-carb frenzy created by Atkins so many years ago. 

One of the main ideas behind these diets is that by eliminating carbs, some calories (and gluten) get slashed as well.  

But these diets, or at least how they are being used, are often not healthy, partly because carbs are being demonized and fat is being lionized.

But remember that, in searching for the right diet, you can end up stuck in a mental cul-de-sac. 

Because for any diet to work, it’s got to last. It’s got to be satisfying. And it can’t keep making you feel deprived.

It’s not about eating only grapefruit for a week or two, then resuming your old eating habits. You have to like your diet or be able to adapt to it in the long term. 

Try to apply these 7 golden-rule questions when choosing the right diet for you:

  • Does my diet cut calories without forcing me to constantly add points or count calories?
  • Does my diet fill me up and meet my nutritional needs? 
  • Does the food in my diet taste delish – maybe even heavenly?
  • Does my diet allow me to feel good as I progress toward my best weight?
  • Does my diet feature readily available foods that smoothly fit into my lifestyle?
  • Does my diet allow me to “cheat” occasionally?
  • Does my diet help me to lose weight and belly fat with the least amount of grief, hunger and resistance!

If your diet is the Almased Diet, then the answer to all of these questions, at least for many people, is a resounding yes!

More on Almased below...

What is the Right Diet?

According to Shape magazine, eating a “slow-carb” diet plan composed mostly of foods with a low-glycemic index may help you balance your metabolisms and eat less, all while making you still feeling full!

In fact, over 30 years ago The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ began taking Germany by storm with its low-glycemic (27g) high-protein (LGHP) nutritional shake.  

It remains the top-selling weight-loss product in Germany today and has gone on to rave reviews worldwide!

Almased users can feel confident that there is a science that supports notable results using this LGHP nutritional supplement as part of a meal-replacement plan for weight loss and improved wellness.

Making Sense of Carbs 

One big way we can get a handle on our glucose is to choose foods that are low on a ranking called the Glycemic Index (GI), a rating system for foods that lets us know how fast the body converts the carbs in a food into glucose.

The smaller the number, the slower the food is converted and the lower the effect on our blood sugar.

A good rule of thumb when trying to figure out what foods to choose and what foods to generally lose is to look at their GI: 55 or less is low (great); 56–69 is medium (good); and 70 or higher is high (or bad).

However, just because something is low-GI or medium-GI doesn’t mean it’s good for us (for example, ice cream and French fries).

Listings of these foods don’t help us figure out what main food groups or nutrients we need more of, such as protein.

Prepared carbs that are overly processed, mixed with sugars and trans fats or deep-fried, are not the best choice of calories. 

Topline, we need more high-quality protein in our diet from multiple sources and much fewer foods such as refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, sodas, sweetened juices, refined carbs, deep-fried foods, and partially hydrogenated (trans) fats.

Here are a few tips to help you live with the good carbs and evict the bad:

  • Avoid refined sugars, white rice, pasta, white bread, candy, cakes, and pastries as much as possible.
  • Unrefined whole foods that are high in fiber are the best carb choices. Think veggies, fruits, whole grains, including whole-grain bread and pasta, beans and lentils.
  • Reduce blood-sugar impact by pairing foods. When eating higher-GI food, include a lower-GI food. Top your waffle with fresh berries rather than syrup, for example. You can also slow the impact of high-GI food by including a portion of protein.
  • Substitute high-GI foods with a healthier lower-GI food choice - such as 1 cup of new potatoes (62) or a steamed sweet potato (44). If substituting with mashed cauliflower (10), you’ve got the idea! 

Metabolic Mastery With Almased

The LGHP diet naturally boosts the fat-burning hormone, adiponectin, along with supporting healthy levels of the appetite hormones, ghrelin, and leptin.

And an Almased-based diet can give the body a metabolic advantage compared to a regular diet – it can help the body both burn fat and hold onto muscle.

 In fact, it’s a unique low-glycemic high-protein diet formula that provides the body with amino acids it needs for optimal health, featuring 27 grams of protein in a natural formula that has a low glycemic index of 27 and an extremely low glycemic load of 4.

Healthy Diet

How do we translate the benefits of weight loss and an LGHP lifestyle into real life? 

 Start with Almased. A low-glycemic high-protein (LGHP) diet that includes the Almased LGHP shake and can be among your very best and healthiest diet choices.

 The Figure Plan is Almased’s 4-phase diet plan that’s designed to help boost metabolism plus maximize weight loss and fat burn.

Consider your primary goal, then choose where to start using the 4-Phase Figure Plan. Start with phase 1 if you’re looking for weight loss, and follow instructions from beginning to end, as closely as possible, for the best results. 

If your goal isn’t necessarily to lose weight, but you’d like to make wellness improvements, lifestyle changes or support muscle mass, you can start at different points in the program.

Almased: Derived From Nature But Designed for You!

Almased’s shake formula is made from non-GMO plant protein, cultured yogurt and live, raw honey, all naturally fermented, which increases the bioactive peptides. 

Almased shakes have a very mild taste, so you can enjoy them plain, or flavor them to taste with spices or a few drops of your favorite extracts, like vanilla or cinnamon. Mixing with cold coffee and cocoa powder gives you a very mellow Mocha Magic.

Almased recipe combos are super-easy and open to nearly endless combinations, so you’ll never get bored. Take a mouth-watering gaze at some of the most tempting creations here. 

Then check out how these true Success Stories achieved their weight-loss goals by using Almased.

It’s been six months since I finished the Almased Weight Loss Program, and I have kept the weight off! – Isela G. 

I never felt hungry or wanted sweets. – Karol S.

Almased is for everybody, overweight or not. My skin [looks] smoother and brighter. I will drink Almased as a supplement once a day for life!! – Vanda B.

All the clothes that didn’t fit now look great. – Elen A.

I lost 36 pounds in three months, and Almased has changed my life. – Wendy C.     

Almased made the impossible possible. – Omer A.

Forget those extreme diets or phony fat-loss fakery. Almased is definitely the nutritional gold standard in smart weight loss.

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