| 8 minutes

Protein Shakes: How to Lose Baby Weight Fast

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

You know it's essential to keep track of your newborn's weight for health reasons, and it’s just as important for new moms to keep tabs on their weight, too. 

If healthy eating habits were maintained during pregnancy, it wouldn't take long to drop those extra pounds after giving birth. By then, many new moms are strongly motivated to get out of their elastic-waistbands – fast!

But how to lose weight fast and safely?

How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds of Baby-weight

Healthy protein shakes can be a delicious way to safely reduce calorie intake while boosting extra energy to meet your body’s increased needs. It’s essential your nutritional shake offers a top-quality source of protein and should supply necessary vitamins and minerals as well. 

Soy protein is one of the few plant-based proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids necessary for human health. It is suitable for vegans and works to reduce appetite as well. In one study, soy protein was shown to enhance weight loss comparatively to dairy-based proteins like casein.

How to lose belly weight after having a baby should not include any crash dieting that doesn’t promote long term weight loss. You need proper nutrition to heal and recover after delivering a baby.

When breastfeeding, you should have even more calories than usual, how to lose weight after birth means limiting your weight loss to about a pound per week from the 1st to 3rd month post-partum. This will not deprive your baby of critical calories and nutrients while nursing.

Do you know that the uterus naturally returns to its original size about 6 weeks after pregnancy? So, be encouraged that your belly will soon be smaller and looking flatter. Yes, you will be able to wear your bikini again!

Best Way to Lose Baby-weight

Among all the proper ways to lose baby-weight, Almased puts the power of plant-based non-GMO soy protein at the center stage. 

Especially while pregnant or breastfeeding, choose quality above all else.

You can feel good about Almased’s natural ingredients: non-GMO plant protein, cultured yogurt, and live, raw honey, all naturally fermented by a unique propriety method. Almased is also gluten-free, has no added sugars or stimulants, is diabetic-friendly, and contains no artificial flavors, fillers, or preservatives.

Almased’s protein powder is also an essential macronutrient. Just one serving a day helps build muscle, repair tissue, and balance the production of enzymes and hormones. 

Before and after delivery, use the Almased’s shake and smoothies for a natural dose of nutrition, taking once daily as a supplement or snack. 

Since Almased was first developed by a holistic scientist in Germany, it has undergone the scrutiny of international research universities and has been shown to speed up the metabolism naturally. The appetite is reduced so you won’t go hungry, and belly fat quickly melts away. It’s that simple.

Here’s a word from Janine M., who was a new mother when she became an Almased Success Story: 

“I got pregnant at the age of 45. What a shocker! I was always a size eight and a woman who loved to dress up. I wanted to be the size I used to be, but nothing helped… It was so frustrating, and considering my age; it was twice as hard. In a heartbeat, I lost 18 pounds, by adding Almased to my daily eating plan. I did not feel hungry at all, and the shakes are super delicious. What a great way to lose weight! I recommend Almased to everybody who wants to lose weight in a healthy manner and most of all, keep it off.”

What can you expect from Almased?

The feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction from taking good care of your body and creating the much-needed energy to care for your loved ones. And, when you are healthier, you can expect a brighter mood and a more contented outlook.

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