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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Sugar – How Sweet It Isn’t

In the 1960s, the famous comedian Jackie Gleason made this line famous — “How sweet it is!” But what’s not sweet is this: The average American…

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Blissful Lavender

250 calories

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Weight Loss and Diabetes Here is the Link

Recent research reveals that exercise and minor weight loss are vital in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, even for those predisposed…

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Almased, now available in Walgreens!

Thank you to all our loyal customers for your continued support and helping us grow!

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Unlock the Power of Nutrients with Fermented Foods

Foods that are fermented — meaning they use starter cultures of bacteria or yeast — have been part of traditional diets for centuries. 

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Germ Anxiety? How to Naturally Support Our Body's Own Defenses

Germs. As comedian Rodney Dangerfield would have said, “They don’t get no respect!” 

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Dietary Supplements and the Clean Ingredients Revolution

Supplements have the power to revolutionize your health, to super-charge your diet and to help — along with exercise — to transform your life.

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Is There A Hidden Connection Between Metabolism and Weight Loss?

It seems like all we can think about is our metabolism. Is it working fast enough, can we increase our metabolic rate, is it burning those calories,…

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Self-Love: How to get it right this Valentine’s Day

Consumer culture makes Valentine’s Day a time to receive love from outside sources.

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Almased Butterfinger

253 calories

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What Does It Mean to Be “Metabolically Healthy”?

Getting to that “magic” number on the bathroom scale is an awesome achievement, but weight alone does not necessarily mean that we are metabolically…

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5 Ways to Stop Cravings in Their Tracks

Food cravings are powerful. In fact, they can make the strongest person feel like Supergirl sitting at a dinner table built of kryptonite.

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What’s the best diet plan?

According to Michael Pollan, the most sensible diet plan is to “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.” That seems easy enough, but recent research…

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Forget New Year’s Resolutions: Why a New Outlook Is More Important

New Year’s means change. Ending one year and embarking on the next. Most new jobs start in January, and so do most gym memberships.

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5 Ways to Use Gratitude for a More Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

With Thanksgiving and other holiday celebrations going on, regarding our diet many of us can feel turkey tension and ham heebie-jeebies.

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What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? How To Fight It!

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression related to the changing of the seasons, as the name suggests.

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Travel Food: 5 Tips for Healthier Helpings On the Road

A lot of people are on the road this holiday season. A lot. 

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How Mental Health Affects Physical Health

As the year draws to a close, it’s always a time for reflection. Perhaps more than ever before, this year showed many of us that mental health is…

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