1. Protein
Eating more protein has been shown to increase metabolism by 15 to 30 percent, which can enhance a feeling of fullness, making us less likely to overeat. Protein also helps safeguard lean muscle while the body burns off extra fat.
And soy is one of your best options. One of the reasons why soy’s such an amazing nutritional ally is precisely because of its naturally occurring bioactive peptides.
Peptides are pieces of protein that are built with amino acids — when these amino acids join together, they make an amino-peptide. And when peptides link up, they form the basis of proteins.
Peptides are super-important in a whole range of body functions, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones.
As to which protein sources are pro, meat (by weight) has a maximum protein level of 26 to 27 percent. Soybeans, by comparison, boast 36 to 38 percent protein.
As for protein quality, while meat does have a high protein efficiency ratio, soybeans score higher than beef on a measure of protein quality called the “Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score.”
Cultivated in China more than 4,850 years ago, soybeans have a complete amino acid profile — meaning they have all nine essential amino acids — and they are considered a “high biological value” protein source.
Every serving of our Almased meal-replacement formula is packed with 27 grams of high-quality non-GMO protein!