| 12 minutes

How to Boost Metabolism: Do These 5 Things

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Many of us want to lose weight, look slim, and feel healthy. If that’s our goal, then we need to dial up our metabolic switch

Anyone who has battled the bulge yet remains stubbornly overweight may think they are forever stuck with a slow metabolism, but that is not so.

slow metabolism can be revved up, and here's where to start.


1. Switch to smart calories 

Surprisingly, eating too little can slow metabolism to a snail’s pace. Burning fewer calories is the body’s way of conserving energy.

Though you shouldn’t skip meals or go hungry, you do need to cut down to lose weight. Low glycemic, high protein (LGHP) eating enables you to eat more while weighing less.

First, let go of high-calorie, low-nutrition, deep-fried, fatty and sugary foods. For most people, keeping unhealthy foods in the diet doesn't work well in the long run. Real change is needed to hang onto the good results you want.  

Stick with nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods that satisfy the appetite, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Protein sources can include seeds, nuts, lentils, and beans; lean meats; healthy fish; plus low-fat dairy and eggs.  

LGHP foods can have a notable effect on metabolism – and without the chore of counting calories! 

Luckily, Almased is the LGHP meal replacement and food supplement. It provides not only a full 27 grams of protein per serving but also separately provides nearly 15 grams of essential amino acids.


2. Jump-start your whole day with a high-protein breakfast

According to one study from the University of Worcester, UK, increasing protein intake for breakfast is vital for energy (blood glucose) balancing and, in the long term, could be especially useful in the prevention of metabolic disorders. 

Eating more protein overall can increase the metabolic rate by 15 to 30 percent, which can increase the feeling of fullness, making us less likely to overeat. Protein also helps safeguard lean muscle while the body burns off extra fat.

The unique multi-protein formula in Almased is created to fit the amino acid profile the human body needs. Just one Almased breakfast smoothie can guarantee that you’re getting the protein you need. Check out our Almased smoothie recipes here!


3. Walk if you can’t run

And if walking is painful sometimes, do chair exercises. The point is, move your body.  So many health problems can arise just from being sedentary. 

If you’re not into pumping iron, start with a short walk and work up to a lengthier stroll. The basic formula is 30 minutes, 3–5 times per week.

Surprising reality: Don’t over-exercise. Excessive or extreme exercise increases cortisol and stress. The repeated elevation of cortisol can, perhaps ironically, lead to weight gain and visceral fat storage. 


4. Reduce Stress

According to Psychology Today, chronic stress and body fat are part of a feedback loop that slows metabolism.

So, reduce stress by taking a walk in nature, regular meditation, deep breathing, chat with a friend, read a good book, take a nap. You know what works for you, just be sure to do it!


5. Sleep is essential for metabolic health.

Speaking of stress reduction, a big part of that is getting all the sleep you need. Poor quality and insufficient sleep can mess with hunger hormones, and scientific evidence shows that poor sleep contributes to obesity.

But it’s even more than that. Lack of quality sleep interferes with metabolic functioning and raises the risk of disease. It doesn’t take long, either.

One study revealed that even a single night of partial sleep deprivation increased insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects.

The good news is that losing weight can help you sleep better. There are many shake and smoothie recipes from Almased that may be one of best solutions for both weight loss and a good night’s sleep. 


Here Is How to Boost Metabolism Naturally

Knowing how to lose weight and boost metabolism naturally has been the Holy Grail of science since what we today call the Standard American Diet (SAD) emerged. 

How can something as natural as the best diet for human metabolism be so elusive? Next time you’re at the bookstore, see how many diet books fill the shelves. 


Each diet book seems to offer a solution, but we know most of them are wrong since 95% of diets fail.

Almased is different.

In fact, authenticity is the cornerstone of the Almased product, and over 15 years of international scientific research proves it.

For example, research studies from the University of Alberta, Canada, show that the Almased-based diet gives the body a metabolic advantage compared to a regular diet - and that it is possible to improve metabolism naturally through nutrition, not just with exercise.


Almased started 30 years ago in Germany when holistic scientist Herbert Trouillé created a unique protein powder from a few key ingredients: non-GMO soy, cultured yogurt, and raw honey. 

The proteins, along with the natural fermentation process, kick your metabolism into high gear as it optimizes fat loss.

The Almased Figure Plan revolves around the ability of its exceptional protein powder to replace or supplement meals for optimal metabolism. Four key stages of the Figure Plan train your metabolism to work with you.

It’s a plan you can stick with because you don’t have to go hungry!

Almased’s LGHP shakes and smoothies may well be exactly what you craved, all in one tall blender bottle. Mix the product with water or creamy almond milk, your choice of spices, extracts or flavorings, and sip away.


How to Burn Fat

Almased’s fat-burning advantage comes from its low glycemic, high protein formula. And Almased’s LGHP eating plan helps to support healthy blood sugar levels, allowing stores of unwanted belly fat to be more easily jettisoned.

After the first day of drinking Almased, the basal metabolic rate increases and stays up when consumed daily.

In addition to weight loss and improved healthy blood sugar, the diabetic-friendly benefits are many:


  • Increases metabolism naturally, reduces cravings & appetite
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Helps to burn stored fat and promote weight loss
  • You may gain greater mental clarity and maintain focus longer
  • Improvement of hair, skin, and nails is often noticed
  • Improved energy levels, better sleep, and mood
  • Adds to overall health and sense of well-being
  • Helps sustain weight loss once the diet is over

In just a few weeks of filling up on Almased smoothies, will you miss eating unhealthy foods more than you’ll miss all the weight you’ve lost?

Almased does not disappoint.

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