| 25 minutes

How to Boost Metabolism: Do These 5 Things

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

“I’m doing everything right, but the scale just won’t budge!” If you find yourself making several changes but still not noticing a difference, your metabolism could be to blame. In a perfect world, our metabolism would be untouchable, and we would never have to worry about unwanted weight gain, but in reality, our metabolism is as delicate as a newborn baby. It can be affected by many factors, including diet, stress, and sleep deprivation.

The metabolism is made up of a complex system of hormones and enzymes that help convert food into usable forms of energy. The conversion of food to energy is what helps us burn calories, get rid of excess pounds, and keep weight off. So what can we do to jump-start the metabolism when it’s not working at its best?

Can you eat potato chips and junk food without gaining an ounce of fat? Or, are you one of many with a “slow metabolism” who seems to gain weight by merely looking at food? 

You just might wonder – is it the luck of the genetic draw that determines the neverending need for weight loss? 

Can you speed up or slow down metabolism by eating certain foods? 

Or is the size and shape of our body only a result of how many calories go in and how many go out? 

With a sluggish metabolism, you do need to eat less to fend off weight gain, but there’s more to the story than just that.

Many of us want to lose weight, look slim, and feel healthy. If that’s our goal, then we need to dial up our metabolic switch

Anyone who has battled the bulge yet remains stubbornly overweight may think they are forever stuck with a slow metabolism, but that is not so.

If you’re hoping to lose weight, first understand your metabolism.

slow metabolism can be revved up, and here's where to start.


Topics at a glance:

  • 1. Switch to smart calories 
  • 2. Jump-start your whole day with a high-protein breakfast
  • 3. Walk if you can’t run
  • 4. Reduce Stress
  • 5. Sleep is essential for metabolic health.
  • Here Is How to Boost Metabolism Naturally
  • Boost metabolism. Burn the fat. Keep the muscle! 
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar levels for peak metabolic performance. 
  • Is Boosting Metabolism Hard To Do?
  • Why bother to boost?
  • Basal Metabolism Rate
  • Best Way to Boost Metabolism is to Balance Work and Health
  • Does Stress Kill? Tackle Stress and Its Metabolic Triggers Head On
  • Almased: the Anti-Stress Metabolism Boosting Shake?
  • Death at the Desk?
  • Be the Boss of Your Metabolism
  • Listen to Your Body
  • Provide Healthier, Satisfying Lunches.
  • Take Stress Relief Breaks.
  • Activity Meetings
  • More Personal Time Off (The Screen)
  • How to Burn Fat
  • Metabolism and Weight Loss: How to Boost Metabolism with a Diet Program
  • Melt Away Pounds by Fasting 
  • How to Boost Metabolism Fast
  • How to Boost Metabolism After 50

1. Switch to smart calories

Surprisingly, eating too little can slow metabolism to a snail’s pace. Burning fewer calories is the body’s way of conserving energy.

Though you shouldn’t skip meals or go hungry, you do need to cut down to lose weight. Low glycemic, high protein (LGHP) eating enables you to eat more while weighing less.

Aiming for a calorie shortfall by eating less than your basal metabolic rate, or BMR — more about this below — can create a backlash. 

As your body goes into “starvation mode,” it tries to protect you by slowing down the metabolism. Your body will cling to its fat stores and burn less energy to compensate. This is just one good reason not to skip meals.

First, let go of high-calorie, low-nutrition, deep-fried, fatty and sugary foods. For most people, keeping unhealthy foods in the diet doesn't work well in the long run. Real change is needed to hang onto the good results you want.  

Stick with nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods that satisfy the appetite, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Protein sources can include seeds, nuts, lentils, and beans; lean meats; healthy fish; plus low-fat dairy and eggs.  

LGHP foods can have a notable effect on metabolism – and without the chore of counting calories! Luckily, Almased is the LGHP meal replacement and food supplement. It provides not only a full 27 grams of protein per serving but also separately provides nearly 15 grams of essential amino acids.

Appetite regulation is the key – not calorie elimination.

2. Jump-start your whole day with a high-protein breakfast

According to one study from the University of Worcester, UK, increasing protein intake for breakfast is vital for energy (blood glucose) balancing and, in the long term, could be especially useful in the prevention of metabolic disorders. 

The lack of protein in a diet can result in muscle mass loss, leading to the so-called “yo-yo effect” that has you gaining back all the weight you’ve lost plus more. 

Metabolism increases when you eat, digest and store food – a process called the thermic effect of food (TEF). 

Protein causes the most substantial rise in TEF as it increases the metabolic rate by 15–30%, a much higher rate than the 3–10% increase from fats or carbs. This is because the body takes longer to burn and absorb protein.

Eating protein also helps you feel fuller and more satisfied, which helps prevent overeating. Use this online calculator to determine the exact amount of your daily protein needs.  

The unique multi-protein formula in Almased is created to fit the amino acid profile the human body needs. Just one Almased breakfast smoothie can guarantee that you’re getting the protein you need. Check out our Almased smoothie recipes here!

Coffee seems to have a positive effect on energy and fat-burning, and may even support successful weight loss and weight maintenance. Since coffee is already part of the Almased plan, enjoy!

3. Walk if you can’t run

And if walking is painful sometimes, do chair exercises. The point is, move your body.  So many health problems can arise just from being sedentary. 

If you’re not into pumping iron, start with a short walk and work up to a lengthier stroll. The basic formula is 30 minutes, 3–5 times per week.

Studies suggest that weight training, which increases muscle mass, along with adequate protein, can boost metabolism. 

In one study of overweight women, all dieted and all lost weight. But the group who also did resistance training maintained metabolism, muscle mass and strength when the diet was over. The other group lost muscle mass and experienced a decrease in metabolism.

Net take-away: Building muscle means you’ll burn more calories each day, even at rest. You’ll also avoid the metabolism drop that can occur during weight loss.

Time is one of the biggest barriers to sticking with any regular fitness program. But a five-minute high-intensity training every week may still deliver the health benefits you get from doing hours of conventional exercise. 

Adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your routine can keep your metabolism revved up for as long as a full day. HIIT can be used with virtually any type of exercise – with or without equipment. 

For example, when walking, jogging, or biking, speed up your pace for 30 seconds, then slow back to your usual pace. You may be able to do two or three repetitions at first, but in time that will increase. The key is intensity.

Also, keep in mind that you can’t outrun a poor diet. If overweight, lose the excess fat first, then gently begin a sensible fitness regimen. It’s easier to control what’s on the end of your fork than it is to run 4 miles.

Surprising reality: Don’t over-exercise. Excessive or extreme exercise increases cortisol and stress. The repeated elevation of cortisol can, perhaps ironically, lead to weight gain and visceral fat storage. 

4. Reduce Stress

According to Psychology Today, chronic stress and body fat are part of a feedback loop that slows metabolism.

So, reduce stress by taking a walk in nature, regular meditation, deep breathing, chat with a friend, read a good book, take a nap. You know what works for you, just be sure to do it!

5. Sleep is essential for metabolic health

Speaking of stress reduction, a big part of that is getting all the sleep you need. Poor quality and insufficient sleep can mess with hunger hormones, and scientific evidence shows that poor sleep contributes to obesity.

Lack of sleep can decrease the number of calories you burn, change the way you process sugar, and disrupt your appetite-regulating hormones. The high-protein in the Almased diet demonstrates a significantly higher sleeping metabolic rate and 24-hour energy expenditure compared to the regular diet.

But it’s even more than that. Lack of quality sleep interferes with metabolic functioning and raises the risk of disease. It doesn’t take long, either.

Getting at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night can not only improve your metabolism and daily performance but also help you live longer, according to current sleep studies

One study revealed that even a single night of partial sleep deprivation increased insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects.

Harvard Health reports a link between obesity and a decrease in sleep duration.

Too little sleep is tough on the body’s natural circadian rhythms and can play havoc with levels of the appetite hormones ghrelin and leptin, according to Dr. Charles Shively.

The good news is that losing weight can help you sleep better. There are many shake and smoothie recipes from Almased that may be one of best solutions for both weight loss and a good night’s sleep. 

Here Is How to Boost Metabolism Naturally

Knowing how to lose weight and boost metabolism naturally has been the Holy Grail of science since what we today call the Standard American Diet (SAD) emerged. 

How can something as natural as the best diet for human metabolism be so elusive? Next time you’re at the bookstore, see how many diet books fill the shelves. 

Each diet book seems to offer a solution, but we know most of them are wrong since 95% of diets fail.

Almased is different.

In fact, authenticity is the cornerstone of the Almased product, and over 15 years of international scientific research proves it.

For example, research studies from the University of Alberta, Canada, show that the Almased-based diet gives the body a metabolic advantage compared to a regular diet - and that it is possible to improve metabolism naturally through nutrition, not just with exercise.

Almased started 30 years ago in Germany when holistic scientist Herbert Trouillé created a unique protein powder from a few key ingredients: non-GMO soy, cultured yogurt, and raw honey. 

The proteins, along with the natural fermentation process, kick your metabolism into high gear as it optimizes fat loss.

The Almased Figure Plan revolves around the ability of its exceptional protein powder to replace or supplement meals for optimal metabolism. Four key stages of the Figure Plan train your metabolism to work with you.

It’s a plan you can stick with because you don’t have to go hungry!

Almased’s LGHP shakes and smoothies may well be exactly what you craved, all in one tall blender bottle. Mix the product with water or creamy almond milk, your choice of spices, extracts or flavorings, and sip away.

Boost metabolism. Burn the fat. Keep the muscle! 

Muscle burns more calories than fat. If you keep your metabolism active,  your body can more easily burn excess fat and keep it off.

Strength training can contribute to muscle building and may feel good, but diet is paramount.

Maintain healthy blood sugar levels for peak metabolic performance.

Healthy blood sugar levels boost fat burning. Refined carbohydrates and food high in sugar, spike your blood sugar levels upward, only to be followed by a downward crash.

Don’t entirely avoid carbs, though. Healthy “complex” carbs with fiber are needed for energy and appetite satisfaction.  

Good low-glycemic options include kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, apples, milk, boiled carrots, dark chocolate, yogurt, dates, and (surprisingly) spaghetti, which are all healthy and filling.

For times when you indulge in sweeter, faster-acting carbs, be sure to include protein and healthy fats to slow down absorption and lessen the impact of upward surges and downswings in sugar levels — which is another reason not to skip meals.

Is Boosting Metabolism Hard To Do?

There seems to be a rising interest in boosting metabolism these days. Many want to super-charge their energy levels or get help with health and weight loss goals. 

But what is metabolism really, and is it difficult to improve?

Metabolism occurs in every cell of our body. It’s a series of chemical processes that turn the calories we eat into the fuel that keeps us alive. 

However, the word metabolism is often used for the term metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) measures how many calories we burn while at rest. 

Even while sleeping, the body is busy converting food into energy, using up our calories to keep us breathing, circulating blood, grow and repair all our cells, digest food and keep all major organs functioning.

Why bother to boost?

The higher the metabolic rate, the more calories we burn, and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off. A higher metabolism can also give you more energy and simply put, make you feel a lot better.

Many diet products claim to increase metabolism, but do they? Use caution as some are not proven effective in weight loss, and others may cause unpleasant side effects.

It’s best to use common sense, proven science and natural sources. Be safe by avoiding products with chemical additives, artificial sweeteners, artificial ingredients, sugars or stimulants.  More on this later...

Basal Metabolism Rate

Basal metabolism is a series of ongoing chemical processes in our bodies, and it occurs in every living organism as a means of breaking down energy simply to exist.

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate at which your body burns calories while at rest.

Whether you’re fast asleep or doing cardio at the gym, energy is needed for breathing, digestion, circulation, and the functioning of all bodily systems.

No matter how fast or slow the metabolism, your body is designed to store excess, unused energy into fat cells — much like a squirrel stores nuts for the winter.

As noted earlier, when unsatisfied hunger triggers a lack of food response, the BMR slows down, resulting in fewer calories burned over time. This is also why a regular diet can be so problematic and result in weight regain.

But there is a long-term solution, and it’s called Almased.

Best Way to Boost Metabolism is to Balance Work and Health

Does Stress Kill? Tackle Stress and Its Metabolic Triggers Head On

Stress kills. This can be really scary since a whopping 8 out of 10 Americans are stressed out.

And it’s not only life-changing events that set us on edge; it can be all of the little worries and annoyances that add up. Every week. Every month. Every year. 

One big area that stress messes with is our hormones: adrenaline and cortisol.

Like it or not, the human metabolism is hard-wired to tap into the increased focus, strength and reaction time brought on by these surging hormones.

Which is great, every so often, when our ancestors had to run from a predator or protect their tribe from an attacker. 

But when these hormones are always on, responding to all of the little stresses we feel all the time, the damage to our bodies can be devastating.

Leading to weight gain, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancers and a whole boatload of health problems all linked to a metabolism that's completely out of whack, which in turn causes inflammation. 

And inflammation is a core part of all of the diseases of this century.

In an extensive weight loss study, the scientists at the University of Freiburg compared several diet programs. Surprisingly, the participants of the Almased group not only lost more fat than all other groups but also their stress hormones decreased and inflammatory markers went down as well. In the other groups, the markers went up. This means that Almased is able to “deflame” the entire body over time due to its basic ingredients and richness in antioxidants.

And it’s no surprise that Americans reported the highest levels of stress, anger, and worry in a decade. Out of 143 countries, America exceeded the global stress average by a full 20 percent! 

And scientists have proven that stress boosts our feasting on sugar and bad fat, and vice versa! High levels of cortisol and insulin may be part of the culprits here too.

While we can’t live in a bubble or get rid of all stress, one thing that makes all of us feel better is being healthier. 

And one way we can help our bodies get there is to tackle any weight issues that are making us stressed or feeling bad about ourselves when we shouldn’t. 

An important part of that is to boost our metabolism.

But weight-loss drugs and fat-free foods aren’t the answer. They just make everything worse. Look for natural solutions, including healthy foods and shakes that can help increase those energy levels and enhance wellness.

Almased: the Anti-Stress Metabolism Boosting Shake?

While no food can single-handedly jettison the jitters or add moxie to our metabolism, there is one powerful, and simple, thing you can add to your diet every day to tip the scales in your favor.

And that’s drinking an Almased shake! 

Almased may be best known for its ability to help with weight loss by speeding up the metabolism without stimulants, but there's more. 

The high protein in Almased delivers a metabolic one-two punch that also helps with appetite control.

And with a formula that is packed with bioactive peptides, like Lunasin, Almased is also able to help fend off some of the toxins that are linked to disease.

Because Almased is a low glycemic index (low GI) food of 27 per serving, it's the preferred choice for herding in blood sugar levels, which helps us feel fewer cravings for sugar and which helps with stress!

Healthy blood sugar control also helps our bodies delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Check out the 4-phases of the Almased Figure Plan to find the best way to burn belly fat and level-up your anti-stress metabolism.

Death at the Desk?

Daily stressors can creep into your life without your realizing it, and can soon come to feel normal. Don’t wait until you feel zapped with the signs of lost energy and declining health. Give your body the vitamins, minerals, and total nutrition it needs to keep metabolism humming and combat the stress of aging.

The availability of phenylalanine and tryptophan in Almased increases a buildup of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine and serotonin are brain chemicals, usually, referred to as, “happy hormones”, help regulate many bodily functions, such as sleep, memory, metabolism and emotional well-being. The amino acids from both milk and plant sources in the product make Almased not only effective with weight loss but also helps with regulating mood and emotion.

Almased also brings substantial amounts of anti-stress ingredients such as copper, zinc, riboflavin, manganese, selenium, and vitamins C and E. Vacations, special holidays, and time off in between are healing and necessary for balancing work and health. Deep, quality nighttime sleep is just as crucial for everyday wellness and Almased can help with that, too! There is a link between poor sleep and obesity. Researchers found that people who slept less were, on average, heavier and showed an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin and a decrease in the fullness hormone leptin. 

Be the Boss of Your Metabolism

Your metabolism can be your best or worst employee, depending on how you treat it. When you take good care of your body, your metabolism is willing to work hard for you, ensuring that you will be getting a high return on investment – good health and longevity.

On the other hand, if you deprive your body of proper nourishment, your metabolism becomes vindictive by slowing down its productivity and refusing to show up from time to time, causing low energy levels, stress, and gradual weight gain.

Poor work output by your metabolism over time can lead to troublesome complications like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. So, what can you do to treat your metabolism, one of your most valuable workers, better?

Listen to Your Body.

On a minute-by-minute basis, your body sends your brain status reports in the form of signals that tell you how it is doing, whether you are hungry, tired, or stressed. Don’t toss out the reports right away.

Listen to what your body is reporting to you; perhaps it is asking you not to take another bite of your food because you’ve had too much already or it is asking for a better night’s rest from the lack of sleep from the day before.

Provide Healthier, Satisfying Lunches.

Whether you’re brown-bagging your lunch or eating out, providing your body with healthier, satisfying lunches can make all the difference with your metabolism’s activity for the rest of the day.

Go for whole grain choices like quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta, a side of lean protein such as fish, chicken, or beans for lunch and plenty of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and arugula. Avoid fried and greasy foods and go light on dressings and sauces.

Take Stress Relief Breaks.

If you find your neck and shoulders tensing up, it means it is time to take a short break. At least every other hour, take a few minutes to stretch, circle the building or even to meditate, take deep, controlled breaths to relieve some of the stress you’ve accrued during the day.

Activity Meetings

Plan a 30 to 60-minute activity meeting each day. Choose activities that will get you up and moving, whether it is marching in place, jogging in your neighborhood, or working out at the gym. Exercising for 30 minutes or more daily can help power up your metabolism and provide exponential benefits to your health in the long run.

More Personal Time Off (The Screen)

Take time away from the screen and your devices to venture out to local farmers markets and try metabolism-boosting foods with high fiber, vitamin C, or healthy fats. Some foods that help boost metabolism include avocado, asparagus, hemp seeds, chili peppers, and kale.

How to Burn Fat

Almased’s fat-burning advantage comes from its low glycemic, high protein formula. And Almased’s LGHP eating plan helps to support healthy blood sugar levels, allowing stores of unwanted belly fat to be more easily jettisoned.

After the first day of drinking Almased, the basal metabolic rate increases and stays up when consumed daily.

In addition to weight loss and improved healthy blood sugar, the diabetic-friendly benefits are many:


  • Increases metabolism naturally, reduces cravings & appetite
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Helps to burn stored fat and promote weight loss
  • You may gain greater mental clarity and maintain focus longer
  • Improvement of hair, skin, and nails is often noticed
  • Improved energy levels, better sleep, and mood
  • Adds to overall health and sense of well-being
  • Helps sustain weight loss once the diet is over

Metabolism and Weight Loss: How to Boost Metabolism with a Diet Program

Metabolism and weight loss are forever linked as each one affects the other. If a diet program drops your caloric intake too much, the metabolism goes on autopilot to conserve energy - meaning the body’s fat-burning mode drops down to a snail’s pace. Pretty much a lose-don’t-lose situation.

Fasting has gained popularity, and there’s a lot of talk about intermittent fasting for weight loss. If done right, it can be a way to avoid the famine reaction that stalls the metabolism. Though going without food for extended periods may seem harsh, if prepared, you can be quite comfortable.

Melt Away Pounds by Fasting

A liquid fast is a diet that replaces solid foods for a time, allowing for three delicious mealtime shakes every day along with veggie broth or juice, plenty of water, and coffee or tea.

And, by including Almased shakes and smoothie recipes in your diet, you will boost metabolism and eliminate hunger pangs, while still achieving rapid weight loss.

Cyclical fasting helps to maintain the bodies ability to burn fat. Almased can accompany the intermittent approach merely by drinking your shakes within an 8 to 12-hour time period. Follow up the final 12 to 16 hours of your day by consuming nothing else except water. Not too bad when you consider you’ll be sleeping through most of that time.

How to Boost Metabolism Fast

Keep in mind that while metabolism is the total of the body’s chemical reactions that keep everything functioning, the metabolic rate reflects how many calories you burn. The higher the metabolic rate, the more energy you have, the better you feel, and the easier it is to keep weight off.

Studies from the University of Edmonton, Canada, show that Almased even increases the basal metabolic rate on those with an average healthy weight if it is taken regularly from the first day on.

The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories that you burn daily to stay alive. When your BMR increases, so do the number of daily calories consumed. Many variables affect your BMR, including genetics, gender, age, fitness level, and of course what you eat. When you go on diets that starve the body, your BMR slows by as much as 30%. Ever wonder why losing that last 10 to 20 pounds seems so tough?.  

If you want to learn how to boost your metabolism rate while rapidly losing weight, we recommend the Almased 4-Phase Figure plan as the best diet for success and overall good health. The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon provides a sizable 27 grams of protein per serving, is low-glycemic, gluten-free, and diabetic friendly.

The exclusive fermentation method is achieved from living enzymes in the enzyme-rich raw honey and a host of bioactive peptides, such as lunasin, which stimulates fat-burning metabolism.

The Almased Figure Plan guides you through four stages of weight loss. If starting with the fast in phase 1, you'll drink three Almased shakes daily for 3 – 14 days (as desired). Advancing through the stages, you’ll slowly add healthy solid foods back into your meal plan to reset your diet. Finally, the Figure Plan helps you maintain your body with a reformative approach to meals that sustains your new outlook. For life.

How to Boost Metabolism After 50

According to the Mayo Clinic, you may need to eat even fewer calories as you age because it is natural for muscle in the body to decrease over time. This reduction of muscle mass reduces the basal metabolic rate. Understand the Almased diet, and you’ll master how to boost energy and metabolism at any age. Because Almased optimizes the metabolism, the body will burn fat as fuel, leading to more significant fat loss. Isn’t it wonderful that even a faulty metabolism can be improved?

Love your body and get fit at any age

Dr. Lee of Harvard Health adds that sluggish metabolism can't be blamed entirely for weight gain.  

“The greatest factors as you age are often poor diet and inactivity. You can manipulate your metabolism to a degree, and it’s often a small change that may help you burn more calories.”

Adopting a healthier diet and getting enough exercise may give you the extra push needed to lose and maintain weight.

The science behind Almased is what makes us different. Claims from many of our Almased consumers agree. Amazon reviewer Michele Harvey states:

“I have been using this amazing product for two weeks as a breakfast shake and have lost 10 pounds! It gives me so much energy and a decrease in appetite. I'm going to have a shake for lunch starting today but with no banana for quicker weight loss. Almased gives me the feeling and energy "zing" that I had in my 20's and 30's!! I'm 55 years old. I will always have a supply of this even after I'm at my weight loss goal.”

Almased success stories often mention the improved quality of their sleep experience, one of many positive side effects from the Almased shake.

"On the Almased Program, I don't feel hungry in between meals…my energy is great, and I sleep more deeply and consistently. I've tried numerous diet plans and shakes, but none worked like Almased." - Jan R.

Stress may be a part of modern life. But we don’t have to just accept it. We can beat stress at its own game by giving our body the nutrition it needs and our metabolism the nutrition it craves.

Defend your health. Boost your metabolism and tackle stress. Let Almased add energy and stress-fighting wellness to your life!

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