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Unlock the Power of Nutrients with Fermented Foods

Foods that are fermented — meaning they use starter cultures of bacteria or yeast — have been part of traditional diets for centuries. 

In fact, fermented honey, or “ambrosia” in mythology, was the drink of the Greek gods that supposedly gave immortality to whoever consumed it. 

Archeologists have found evidence of fermented alcoholic beverages made from fruit and rice dating back to 7000 BC in China. Wine-making (which is essentially preserved grape juice) goes back to 6000 BC in Europe. 

In fact, the oldest archaeological record of fermentation is 13,000-year-old beer residue found in in Israel. 

But how did humans figure out how to control the power of fermentation to begin with? Totally by chance. Milk would ferment unintentionally, so the first yogurts were probably complete accidents, produced in milk-filled bags that were slung on the backs of camels in North Africa.

Fermentation 101

It wasn’t until the mid-1800s until we really started to understand what was going on to make food ferment. It was a French chemist, the famous Louis Pasteur, who would first explain the link between yeast and fermentation.  

In this day and age, we know that fermentation is an “anaerobic process,” which means it happens in an airless environment.  

Beneficial bacteria thrive in this oxygen-less environment — digesting sugars, starches and carbohydrates, and releasing alcohols, carbon dioxide and organic acids (which preserve the food). The unwanted bacteria, the ones which cause rotting and decay of food, don’t have a chance. 

Good Things About Fermented Foods 

The popularity and variety of fermented foods have gone off the charts in recent years. It’s easy to understand why, since fermentation not only improves the flavor and digestibility of foods, but it is also thought to be a master key that can unlock more bioavailability and power from foods than we can get from foods that are not fermented. Because of the chemical reactions that go on during fermentation, the micronutrients in your food are set free and the ability of your body to absorb and use them is increased. One study found that fermentation boosted the bioavailability of nutrients, in this case zinc, by over 240% compared to non-fermented foods. 

Harnessing the Natural Power of Ingredients 

From enzymes to minerals to bioactive peptides, fermented foods offer a way for your body to better tap into the nutrients it needs from what you eat. Plus, the natural metabolic process that goes on during fermentation also creates compounds with unique benefits.  

In this way, fermentation can make a product stronger and healthier than it would have been without fermentation. 

Tapping Into the Benefits of Fermented Foods 

The great thing is it’s easy to incorporate more fermented foods into the diet. Foods like kefir, kimchi, kombucha, miso, natto, pickles, sauerkraut, skyr, tempeh, tofu and yogurt are good choices.  Also, do make sure to choose dietary supplements that use natural fermentation in their processing. Almased, for example, is crafted using a special fermentation process that starts with the product’s three flagship food ingredients: honey, soy and yogurt. 

As opposed to heat-treated regular honey, the raw honey in Almased is bursting at the seams with crucial enzymes and naturally occurring yeast that let fermentation continue even after the cans are sealed. In fact, the raw honey’s natural ingredients are still living and active when you pop open the can.    Plus, one serving of Almased also supplies 27 grams of protein and a boatload of amino acids. Amino acids aid the growth of good bacteria in the gut. The gut-friendly yogurt in Almased comes from pasture-raised cows in Ireland and northern Germany. 

Are you ready to unleash the power of your nutrients with Almased? 

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