| 11 minutes

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

We’re inclined to think the cost of eating healthy foods is way over the price cliff. And, since food may be the most controllable expense in our budget, we buy as cheaply as we can and waste as little as possible.

But the devil is in the details and on the tip of your taste buds, too. We want to enjoy our food, and these helpful hints can show you how to eat healthy on a tight budget and love every bite of it, too!

Healthy Recipes 

Creating healthy recipes that give you the most bang for your buck means choosing foods that are rich in nutrition and low in calories.

Picking Out Fruits and Veggies

  • Favor fresh veggies, fruits, beans, and grains for a healthy budget.
  • Buy fresh produce in season when plentiful and at their lowest prices. If you enjoy food prep, stock up and dehydrate, can, or freeze to preserve.
  • If your schedule is unpredictable and your fresh veggies get too old too fast, choose the quick-frozen varieties to reduce food waste. They’re good for cooking and just as nutritious.
  • When ripened fruits are ready to eat, and you are not, they can easily be frozen rather than wasted. Frozen bananas are perfect for creamy blender shakes.
  • Sprout your produce! Sprouted alfalfa seeds, mung beans, broccoli, and spicy radish are a few of the well-known greens that add color and zing to salads, sandwiches, stir-fry dishes and soups. They are super easy (and cheap) to grow in a jar in your kitchen. 

Cheap Ways to Add Other Foods Groups Into Your Diet

  • Whole grains like brown rice, millet, quinoa, oatmeal, bread, and pasta are delicious, filling, packed with fiber and good for you. Buying in bulk saves money but can create unwanted packaging and storage issues for smaller households, so buy in reasonable quantities.
  • Beans and legumes are excellent economical sources of fiber-filled protein. They make filling soups, cheap meals, and healthy snacks. Pureed with seasonings and vegetables, they’re priceless as an oil-free, low-calorie sauce, dip, or dressing.
  • Meats, poultry, and fish are high ticket items. Plan entrées to sync with weekly sale items at your grocery and try to buy only when on sale.
  • Enjoy significant money savings when you replace meat with another protein. First-rate protein alternatives are beans, legumes, eggs, and peanut butter. Replacing 1-2 meals a week adds to the piggy bank.

Convenience Options on a Budget

  • A real convenience food that is both nutritious and economical is the Almased meal replacement powder. At $3.00 per meal replacement, Almased saves you megabucks over the cost of eating out.
  • Almased is quick to shake up in a shaker cup, saves the labor of making an entire meal and you can repeat your favorite flavors or choose from a variety of tastes. Over 50 dazzling smoothie ideas are shown on the Almased recipe page.
  • Healthy and budget-friendly recipes also designed for weight loss can be found on the Almased web site. Smoothie recipes, of course, but also beef, pork, poultry, fish and vegetarian dishes, as well.

What to Avoid

  • Avoid processed foods and snacks as they tend to waste food dollars. They are high calorie and low in nutrition, which can leave the appetite unsatisfied, causing you to eat more food unnecessarily.
  • Avoid eating out a majority of the time. Eating most of your meals at home is a big band-aid for the budget. Make it more fun by designating “Whacky Wednesdays” or “Fearless Fridays” and meal-prepping with family members or alternate pot-lucks with friends for Netflix binge night!

Weight loss meals

Fats and oils are calorie dense, so it’s no surprise that eating for weight loss and good health means taking a pass on deep-fried foods. But, did you know you can sauté or pan fry to brown foods and entirely avoid adding any fats or oils? Prefer non-stick type of cookware and small amounts (1-2 Tbsp) of broth or water to brown foods crisply without steaming.

Did you know The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon deserves to be at the top of your list for budget meals?

One Almased shake costs less than a Starbucks coffee, yet provides all necessary nutrition for the metabolic support and fat breakdown essential for effective weight loss.

Be assured you won’t feel deprived because Almased keeps you full for hours. The Almased Figure Plan is designed with progressive phases of weight loss that keeps weight off by sustaining activity levels of your metabolism.

Almased is a rock-solid superstar for weight loss that comes straight from nature, made with non-GMO soy, cultured yogurt, and raw honey. The proprietary fermentation process that makes it all work comes from the Trouillé family in Bienenbüttel, Germany where it was initially designed to help patients with a slow metabolism. The weight loss was a side effect!

Biologically-active, anti-obesity lunasin, found through the fermented non-GMO soy in Almased, has been shown to have health-adjusting actions. According to Dr. Charles Shively, RPH, Ph.D., lunasin actually directs how our existing DNA influences the cells of the body and is a prime player in human health.

Being thrifty with your food budget isn’t just about money. Not everyone aspires to be a frugal gourmet and your time is worth saving, too.

Nutritionist Jamie Luu, RDN, LDN points out that the combination of the Almased meal replacement program along with a healthy home-cooked meal using meal prep strategies can be a blessing to both your budget and schedule.

During the reduction phase for weight loss, you can drink two Almased shakes a day and enjoy one meal as your one-meal allowance. Plus, prepped meals are practically portioned and can contain healthy ingredients which further assists in more significant weight loss and reduction of food waste.

Planning cheap meal ideas while eating healthy and maintaining a good weight, earns you more than savings on your grocery budget and medical bills.

You’ll feel fantastic - likely you’ll have more energy, sleep better, and enjoy a general feeling of overall wellness. Who wouldn’t want that?

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