Blog & Recipes

Everything about living a healthier lifestyle with our weight loss protein shakes recipes included.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Lose belly fat: Here’s how to fight your stubborn abdominal fat!

In this article you will find the most important tips on how to lose your abdominal fat with exercise and a healthy diet!

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How To Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

If you are searching for the best diet to lose weight quickly, look no further. Our diet plan and healthy tips will show you how to lose weight fast…

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Fight Obesity With Leptin Supplements

Have you ever eaten a big meal and not felt full afterward? Do you just keep eating and eating and never know when to stop? That doesn’t mean you have…

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Support Your Liver Health With Almased

Are you worried about your liver health? Whether you drink alcohol or not, you may be at risk of fatty liver diseases.

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What Is a Low-Glycemic Diet with High-Protein?

Dr. David Jenkins developed the glycemic index (GI) in the 1980s as a way of explaining how dietary carbohydrates impact blood sugar. The higher the…

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Muscle Building Shake Recipe: Pear Helene

363 Calories

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Unleash the Power of Bioactive Peptides

Ever heard of bioactive peptides? Almased's got the scoop on how they can transform your health. Check out the soy-yogurt-honey blend for weight loss…

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Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight

Delve into the world of Intermittent Fasting and uncover its weight-loss wonders. Learn how Almased shakes complement this strategy for better health.

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Can Supplements Really Boost Your Metabolism?

Elevate your metabolism and shed those extra pounds! Dive into the science of metabolism-boosting supplements, including Almased's role in weight…

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Avoid the yo-yo effect - how it works!

Many of us fear rapid weight gain following a period of strict dieting. But does this have to be inevitable?

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Everything you need to know about honey

Not all honeys are the same. Here you can find out which quality criteria you should pay attention to when it comes to honey

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How to properly measure your waist circumference

The easiest way to determine whether you have a few pounds too much on your hips or whether you can sit back and relax is to calculate your BMI.

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Glycemic index - what does it say and why is it so important?

Not all foods have the same effects on blood sugar and insulin levels.

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Plate method? Lose weight healthily with the plate principle

A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet. Balanced means a versatile, varied diet that provides you with optimal nutrients.

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The Biological Value: Efficient Turnover of Dietary Proteins

You will learn in this article how exactly protein metabolism works and how to improve protein absorption

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Losing Weight During Menopause: How to get Your Metabolism Going

Uncover the secrets to jumpstarting your metabolism and winning the battle against menopausal weight gain.

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HbA1c - All about Long-Term Blood Sugar Levels

Get ready to take control of your health by understanding the significance of long-term blood sugar levels.

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Best Fall Recipes: Pumpkin Spice Latte Inspired

5 delicious fall-inspired diabetic-friendly recipes for weight loss and wellness.

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