| 17 minutes

Mental Health Is Part of The Healthy Weight Equation

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Most of us know that being overweight isn’t good for our health and that it increases the risk of many diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. 

Yet body weight can significantly affect mental health, as well.

A recent study from Cornell University showed a strong correlation between obesity and depression. Counseling as a treatment validated the fact that the social stigma of overweight impacts mood in some women.

 Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity naturally contribute to overweight, but medications used to help mood can also increase appetite and encourage weight gain.

And, impairments in memory or cognitive functioning make it more challenging to learn and adopt new weight-loss behaviors, such as more thoughtful diet choices. 

Many women in the U.S. have negative body images, which can put them at higher risk of depression, eating disorders, and other physical health problems.

Whether overweight or underweight, we don’t necessarily see ourselves as who we truly are. It gets complicated. 

But healthy weight loss is possible and can even allow us to live with a bit less worry in our life.

Healthy Weight Loss and Mood

Perhaps we are drawn toward higher-carb foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, and so on because they make us feel better, at least at the moment. They may relieve down feelings, and that could be why they’re called “comfort food.”

Eating a lot of carbs produces a bunch of serotonin in your nervous system, and serotonin carries pro-mood effects. But being overweight is a high price to pay for such momentary comfort. 

Could loading up on heavy carbs contribute to why more than 80% of people with depression are overweight? 

Regardless, Medical News Today says research has linked low levels of serotonin to memory problems and mood disorder and may play a role in depression.

Serotonin isn’t found in foods, but the essential amino acid tryptophan is. 

Protein foods containing tryptophan act as a precursor to help the body produce more serotonin.

Good food sources that are high in tryptophan include salmon, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, and soy products, including Almased.

The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ comes packed with 400 mg of L-Tryptophan per serving, giving the potential to support a healthy mood and even support sleep. 

Almased is also packed with 27 grams of long-acting protein to relieve hunger. The slow digestion of this type of protein helps balance levels of leptin and ghrelin, two hormones that naturally regulate appetite.

Leptin is a hormone made by fat cells that decreases your appetite. Levels of leptin — the appetite suppressor — are lower when you're thin and higher when you're overweight.

This is because the brain doesn’t respond to leptin after a while, so these folks keep eating even though they have enough (or too much) fat already stored, a problem known as “leptin resistance.” This causes fat cells to produce even more leptin that isn‘t able to communicate with the brain. So while these leptin-resistant people keep eating, they always feel hungry. 

Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite. Studies from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, show that the body has a significantly lower level of ghrelin after 2 hours of consuming Almased. Almased fills you up and satisfies hunger for hours longer than compared to a standard meal.

Because Almased is low-glycemic and high-protein (LGHP), it can help you feel comfortably full on fewer calories. 

Diabetic-friendly, Almased can also help balance fluctuations of blood sugar levels, which can lead to low energy, tiredness and feelings of irritability. 

All this – and more – may very well make Almased the best healthy weight loss diet.

There are other natural things you can do that affect healthy weight loss and support healthy mood, too. Here are a few.

  • Exercise. Regular exercise can have pro-mood effects.
  • Walk. A brisk 20-30 minute walk can have a very calming effect. Running can even give you a “runner’s high” because of the endorphins that are produced in your nervous system.
  • Sunshine. Get more of it. Sunshine affects seasonal affective disorder. As you get more sunshine, down feelings can be relieved.
  • Sleep. Regularity of sleeping patterns, or living in sync with nature’s circadian rhythms, gives us a huge advantage physically and mentally. Go to bed early, so you can wake up early feeling refreshed!
  • Eat well. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an essential way to support mood and physical health.

Food coach Andrew Taylor advises against adding a lot of rules to eating since that can add pressure and increase the level of effort needed for weight-loss success. 

Many of us tend to do better by keeping things as simple as possible. Focus on choosing the right foods to eat and leave it at that. 

Here are some LGHP eating tips:

Rather than snacking on simple carbohydrates like sweets and processed grains, choose complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables, and higher-fiber plant proteins such as soy products, beans, peas and lentils.

Your body converts these carbohydrates into glucose more slowly than carbs found in processed grains and sugars. As a result, these complex plant carbs provide a more stable and consistent flow of fuel to your brain.

A diet higher in fiber also fuels healthy gut bacteria, which plays a role in serotonin through the gut-brain axis.

Remember that Almased can be used both as an LGHP meal replacement and a nutritional supplement. Mixing up Almased with water or almond milk and any of your favorite flavorings makes a super-healthy meal or snack. 

Shake it up, sip it up. No calories to count, nothing to think about.

All of the Almased shake recipes help put you on a cleaner diet, which supports your mental mojo.

On top of that, Almased offers substantial amounts of mood-healthy ingredients such as zinc, copper, riboflavin, manganese, selenium, plus vitamins C and E.

Social Media: It Can Help Us If Used Right

Social media can help us stay connected with friends and family, but excessive use can fuel feelings of anxiety, isolation, loneliness, FOMO (fear of missing out), and inadequacy about life or physical appearance.

Some even avoid the face-to-face company of others due to issues about poor body image. If you’ve allowed virtual connections to substitute for real-life relationships, now may be a good time for a social upgrade. 

Almased USA has a presence on Facebook that is more private than the open fan page. When you join the group, you can read posts from others who share their experiences with Almased. You can also ask questions and receive support from the Almased community.

Did you know that losing just 10% of your body weight brings you several advantages, such as supporting heart health, boosting overall health, and increasing self-confidence and a more positive outlook?

Almased is a multi-functional health product backed by over 15 years of scientific research. Almased has demonstrated successful weight loss while maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and stimulating fat-burning metabolism. 

Along with the shakes come the Almased Figure Plan Plus, a 4-phase strategy that helps modify habits for long-term weight management and wellness.

Check out this ideal diet guide for using Almased. All the guidance you need to transform your diet and lifestyle is here.

Below you can see comments from some of our Almased Success Stories and 5-star Reviewers. Check them all out!

“I have a much more positive attitude overall since starting Almased. I feel happier on an everyday basis. People comment on my energy levels and how I am smiling much more these days.” - Lisa C., Almased Success Story

"I have seen a tremendous difference in my weight and how I feel overall." - Gloria B., Almased Success Story

 “Almased gave me my health back.” Amy W., Almased Success Story

“Almased is for everybody, overweight or not.” – Vanda B., Almased Success Story

“The amazing thing is how easy to follow the program is. You can take it everywhere, and OMG their recipes are to die for." - Robin Raskin, 5-star Almased Reviewer

"Love how the product blends with fruits and soy milk. It's so good and great for your well-being. Drink up!" - Sharon Hohmann, 5-star Almased Reviewer

“I lost 74 pounds in several months. Almased made the impossible possible!” Omer A., Almased Success Story.

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