Blog & Recipes

Everything about living a healthier lifestyle with our weight loss protein shakes recipes included.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Almased Weight Loss Tool Kit

If you’re new to Almased and want to find out what you need to know before starting the Almased Diet, then this is a great place to start. Keep…

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3 Actions to Become Heart-Healthy

Making heart-healthy diet and lifestyle choices is a must for men to stave off the development of heart disease. According to the CDC, heart disease…

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4 Important Health Check-Ups for Men

For many men, health check-ups are usually not at the top of their priority list. Lack of health care monitoring in younger years can open the door to…

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How Can Men Use Almased?

If you're wondering whether men can use Almased, you've found the right place! In this blog, we'll talk about how men can use Almased and answer one…

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How These Women Lost 20 Lbs or More on the Almased Diet

Almased diet shakes have supported the health of many women through its specially selected combination of all-natural ingredients used in conjunction…

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How to Pack a Healthy Lunch

It's back to school time, and we provided you with some tips to create a healthy, quick, diverse, and convenient lunch for school or work.

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The 40Something Diet

For most of your life, your health has been on so-called cruise control, everything in your body runs smoothly and automatically.

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Kick Your Cravings to the Curb!

All dieters know and dread them: Cravings. At some point or another during your diet, they are bound to happen, testing your will power and very…

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6 Reasons our Customers Use Almased

Wonder why Almased is the weight loss phenomenon of the last decade? Check out 6 main reasons to use Almased

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Say Goodbye to That Sluggish Metabolism

If you find yourself making several changes but still not noticing a difference, your metabolism could be to blame.

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Be the Boss of Your Metabolism

Your metabolism can be your best or worst employee, depending on how you treat it. When you take good care of your body, your metabolism is willing to…

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Post-Holiday Detox with Almased

During the holiday season, it is easy to find yourself indulging in high-calorie, carb-rich foods like pies, gingerbread, and eggnog. While our taste…

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5 Ways To Improve Your Diet Success!

Dieting can be hard. Sticking to it and seeing results can be a grind. Check out these tips!

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3 Ways to Enjoy a Lighter, Healthier BBQ Season

Summertime is barbecue season! Juicy hamburgers, delicious hot dogs, creamy pasta salads - typical barbecue food tastes great but it is also full of…

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Red, White and Blue, Who Knew?

When it comes to food, we all know that the color green promises vitamins, minerals, and several health benefits. However, we also understand that the…

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Add a Little Spice (and Herbs) to Your Summer

You've heard that instead of salt, health care professionals recommend using spices and herbs to make your food more flavorful. There are many ways in…

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More Americans Opt for Non-GMO Foods

In recent years, a growing number of Americans have become more passionate about the type of foods they eat, avoiding foods with GMOs as much as…

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How to Avoid Sugar Temptations Over the Holidays

Even though you thought to get in the best shape of your life seemed utterly unimaginable, you still made every effort to see it happen this year.

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