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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Get the Almased Glow: Beauty from the Inside Out!

With a 30-year history, over 15 years of scientific research, and thousands of happy customers, it’s hard to argue against the success of the Almased…

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Lose Weight the Fast(ing) Way!

The constantly increasing number of different diets has become overwhelming for many people who want to lose weight. What should they eat, how much,…

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Finally Lose the Weight You Want – and Keep it Off!

2017 is here, and most of us have put a healthier lifestyle, eating better, and losing some weight on top of our resolutions list. And in doing so,…

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Pick Your Perfect Diet Shake!

Meal replacement shakes have become a popular way to get quick nutrition and drop unwanted pounds. However, not all of them are created equal, and…

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Lose the Weight that Really Matters!

Even more important than the quantity of the weight you lose on a diet is the quality of that weight. A five-pound loss is great, but if those five…

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How Almased Can Help with Your Sweet Tooth

Almased is touted for its superior benefits on weight loss and metabolism, but what most people do not realize is that Almased can also help with your…

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How Teens Can Use Almased

Is your teen complaining, upset, or frustrated about the extra weight they’re carrying around? Is your teen skipping meals or choosing junk food as a…

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Lose Weight, Not Muscle

Almased is rich in leucine, an essential branch chain amino acid that helps prevent muscle loss when losing weight and helps the body retain muscle…

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6 Reasons to Shake It Off!

When you search the words ‘weight loss’, a plethora of solutions, tips, and ideas ensue. Which one works best? Meal replacements shakes are one of the…

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Why Fasting is a Good Idea

A new trend to weight loss & health that is centuries old. It has been around for hundreds of years as part of religious beliefs & ceremonies, used…

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Excess Weight Can Trigger Hunger

Perhaps surprising is that an individual’s weight actually triggers why we get hungry. Hunger “pangs” cause the forced interplay of two hormones:…

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The Health Power of Honey

Many individuals are unaware that raw honey is a powerhouse of health benefits. Everyone realizes it is a sweetener, but how about honey’s…

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4 Things Every Pasta Lover On a Diet Will Understand

The other day, somebody asked me on our Almased Facebook page: "You eat pizza?" Oh, yes, I eat pizza, but even more so, I am a bona fide pasta lover!

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How to Choose the Right Diet Program

If you’ve struggled with weight loss before, then you know that in order to lose weight you not only need to watch what you eat but also how you eat…

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Accelerating the Transformation from Desire to Success in Weight Loss

Yes, it’s true. Breaking bad habits is hard work. Why? Habits can arise through repetition. Many are a normal part of life and are often helpful. In…

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Do I Need to Exercise While on The Almased Diet?

Since your calorie intake will reduce significantly, you do not necessarily have to exercise on the Almased Diet to lose weight, but we encourage you…

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Can I Use Almased If I'm Over 70 Years Old?

Yes, you can. There is no upper age limit for using Almased. Almased will provide your body with more energy and high-quality protein. It protects…

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I Love Fruit. Can I Add Fruit to My Almased Shakes?

We usually advise to refrain from fruit at the beginning of the diet until you start losing weight since the sugar in the fruit may hinder your weight…

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