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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

What Happens When We Eat Low in Sugar, High in Protein?

When you make a diet change that goes low in sugar, the first thing you may notice are sugar cravings. That’s your brain arguing for its habitual…

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Weight Loss Trends: Benefits of a Low-Glycemic High-Protein Diet

Weight loss trends will vary throughout the years, but some things don’t change. The human body remains pretty much the same according to nutritional…

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Weight Loss Shake Recipe: Very Berry

204 calories

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5 Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

There is more of an art to grocery shopping than just grabbing milk, eggs, and bread off the shelf. This millennium, retail grocers carry 40,000 more…

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Diet Tips for 2019: Latest Weight Loss Trends

Are you interested in some of the newest weight loss trends and perhaps hoping for a newfound alternative? This year, the trendy side of science…

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Crash Diet: What You Need to Know

When it comes to weight loss and dieting, progressing too slowly feels like running on ice, and we all want more traction to reach our goals quickly.

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Beauty Foods: Skin Diet for Glowing Skin

Your complexion cannot lie. It will always reveal how healthy you are. Moreover, your diet may be the most crucial factor in achieving your most…

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Extreme Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose Weight Fast and Safe

Did you know that almost 40% of adults in the United States are obese, meaning with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30? Further, more than 70%…

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Metabolism and Weight Loss: How to Boost Metabolism with a Diet Program

Metabolism and weight loss are forever linked as each one affects the other. If a diet program drops your caloric intake too much, the metabolism goes…

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Fitness Tips and Tricks: Summer Weight Loss Program

Is there really a seasonal difference to any weight loss program? First, let’s think about nature’s seasonal bounty. We’re accustomed to year-round…

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How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

We’re inclined to think the cost of eating healthy foods is way over the price cliff. And, since food may be the most controllable expense in our…

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Mindful Eating 101: How to Practice Mindful Eating

It sounds like a good thing, but exactly what is mindful eating? Simply put, it is being in full awareness mode when choosing, preparing, serving, and…

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Best Diet Tips: How to Entertain While on a Weight Loss Program

Whether dieting or maintaining successful weight loss, most of us want to continue with our traditional entertaining.

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Travel Diet: How to Lose Weight While Traveling

Whether business or pleasure, people eat out more when traveling and it can be the ultimate litmus test of dieting resolve. Don’t even think of giving…

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Healthy Eating Habits: How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Achieving an ideal weight is a big accomplishment in itself. It is joyous to live healthfully, knowing that you look, feel, and are at your very best.

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4 Tips to Fix a Slow Metabolism

If you feel like you’re not running on all cylinders, look over these symptoms of slow metabolism.

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Boost Energy Levels Naturally

Most of us are looking for more get-up-and-go. We grab a nearby energy drink, pop in at the nearest Starbucks, or score a ginseng tonic at the health…

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Burn More Calories

Watch our video on how to burn more calories...

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