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Is There A Hidden Connection Between Metabolism and Weight Loss?

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

It seems like all we can think about is our metabolism. 

Is it working fast enough, can we increase our metabolic rate, is it burning those calories, and is it making maximum use of all that good nutrition we’re trying so hard to make part of our daily diet? 

Better yet, what is metabolism and how do we take control of it?  

The term “metabolism” is commonly used to refer to the break-down of food and its transformation into energy, but how does it work? 

Metabolism: The Not-So-Hidden Secrets 

Mastering our metabolism is a complicated process. It’s not just about genetics, lifestyle and exercise, but also about how hormones and other factors help or hinder our metabolic machinery. 

Many of us want to lose weight, look slim and feel healthy. If that’s our goal, then we need to dial up our metabolic switch.  

Anyone who has ever battled the bulge, yet remains stubbornly overweight, may think they’re forever stuck with a slow metabolism, but that’s not so. 

A slow metabolism can be revved up, and here's where to start. 

1. Eat Smart Calories, Including Protein 

Surprisingly, eating too little can slow metabolism to a snail’s pace. Burning fewer calories is the body’s way of conserving energy. 

Although you shouldn’t skip meals or go hungry, you do need to cut down to lose weight. Low glycemic, high protein eating enables you to eat more while weighing less. 

First, let go of high-calorie, low-nutrition, deep-fried, fatty and sugary foods. For most people, keeping unhealthy foods in the diet doesn't work well in the long run. Real change is needed to hang onto the good results you want.   

Stick with nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods that satisfy the appetite, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Protein sources can include seeds, nuts, lentils and beans; lean meats; healthy fish; plus low-fat dairy and eggs.   

Low-glycemic high-protein foods can have a notable effect on metabolism — and without the chore of counting calories!  

Protein is Key 

In fact, protein is the most important nutrient for weight loss and metabolic health. A high-protein diet boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and supports healthy levels of hunger hormones. 

Clocking in at 27 grams of protein per serving, supplementing with low-glycemic Almased is one great way to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need for a healthy metabolism. 

In fact, a breakthrough 2020 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that Almased can help people lose more weight and burn more calories than with regular diets. 

Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada investigated how a high-protein low-glycemic diet could ramp up metabolism. They carried out a randomized controlled study in a group of healthy, normal-weight adults. 

One group took Almased in place of meals; the other group had a standard North American diet. 

The Almased group experienced increased thermogenesis, better absorption of nutrients, enhanced fat burning, improved appetite and use of carbs, and less of a tendency to gain fat. 

The study authors said this proves that “a calorie is not just a calorie” — meaning that a high-protein low-glycemic diet, one with the same number of calories as a regular diet, can offer more benefits for energy metabolism, fat burning and weight loss. 

This new research confirms the results of a 2018 study, which showed that Almased can help the body lose weight and burn more fat, all with less effort. 

The authors concluded that Almased provides a “metabolic advantage” compared to a regular diet.  

2. Have Breakfast 

According to one study from the University of Worcester, increasing protein intake for breakfast is vital for energy (blood glucose) balancing and, in the long term, could be especially useful in the prevention of metabolic disorders.  

Eating more protein, overall, can increase the metabolic rate by 15 to 30 percent, which can boost the feeling of fullness, making us less likely to overeat. Protein also helps safeguard lean muscle while the body burns off extra fat. 

The unique protein formula in Almased is created to fit the amino acid profile the human body needs. Just one Almased breakfast smoothie can guarantee that you’re getting the protein you need.  

3. Exercise More 

You will want to make regular physical activity (not brutal or boring exercise) a part of every week, which can include bicycling, walking, hiking, paddle boarding or going to the gym.

With walking, shoot for 10,000 steps a day, or whatever makes you feel good!  

Diet, exercise and more protein help us to lose fat and hold on to muscle. The more lean muscle we have, the better our metabolic set point is and the easier it is for us to lose extra weight going forward. 

4. Stress Less 

According to Psychology Today, chronic stress and body fat are part of a feedback loop that slows metabolism. 

So, reduce stress by taking a long walk, meditating, practicing deep breathing, chatting with friends, reading some good books or even taking a nap.  

You know what works for you, just be sure to do it! 

5. Rest Better 

Speaking of stress reduction, a big part of that is getting all the sleep you need. Poor quality and insufficient sleep can mess with hunger hormones, and scientific evidence shows that poor sleep contributes to obesity. 

But it’s even more than that. Lack of quality sleep interferes with metabolic functioning and raises the risk of disease. It doesn’t take long, either. 

One study revealed that even a single night of partial sleep deprivation increased insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects. 

The good news is that losing weight can help you sleep better, too.  

Almased’s Metabolic Advantage 

The question of “What food boosts metabolism?” has already been answered with Almased’s diabetic-friendly, fat-burning and high-protein formula.  

In just a few weeks of enjoying Almased smoothies, will you miss eating unhealthy foods more than you’ll miss all the weight you’ve lost? 

Probably not, especially now that you know the not-so-hidden connection between weight loss and metabolism!

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