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Can My Diet Be An Immune System Booster?

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

Your diet affects how you feel and how well your body functions. 

While a nutrient-dense, well-rounded diet supports your immune system, a diet that’s low in nutrients and high in ultra-processed foods impairs immune function

Foods That Boost Your Immune System  

There are a number of foods which boost our immunity — from super-antioxidant foods, like green tea, turmeric and spinach; to sulfur-rich free-radical fighters, like garlic and broccoli; to vitamin C immune system powerhouses, like red bell peppers, citrus fruits, kiwis and papaya; and vitamin D immune system staples, like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines. 

Those foods are all excellent, but if you are Googling “How to build your immune system” or “Supplements to boost immune system,” one macronutrient stands taller than most — protein

One great protein source is Almased, but more on that in a minute… 

Protein for Immunity 

Protein is needed to build and repair body tissue and to stave off viral and bacterial infections. In fact, antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein and amino acids.   

In fact, immune system power players, such as antibodies and immune system cells, depend on protein. Not enough protein in the diet can lead to weakness, fatigue and poor immunity. 

But it’s not just any protein that’s superior, but protein from soy, in particular.

study in the journal Nutrition pointed out that supplementation with the bioactive peptides found in soy “can be useful in healthy [people] through an improvement in immune function.”  

One of the many reasons why soy’s such a critical immune ally is precisely because of its naturally occurring bioactive peptides.   

Peptides are parts of protein that are made with amino acids. When these amino acids join together, they make an amino-peptide — and when these peptides assemble they form the basis of proteins.  

Peptides are vital to a whole range of body functions, plus they act as the building blocks of important enzymes and certain natural hormones. 

As to amino acids, a recent study points to the importance of amino acids in immunity. Mounting evidence shows that dietary supplementation with specific amino acids super-charges immunity, with arginine, glutamine and cysteine topping the list of the most immune-supportive aminos.  

Plus, protein malnutrition lowers concentrations of most amino acids in plasma, and leads to a weak immune system. In fact, one of the many reasons that protein rocks is that the antibodies which help fight these “bugs” are actually made of protein. 

Packed with amino acids, Almased is crafted from non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey in a special fermentation process that releases bioactive peptides.

Hormones and Protein 

How much high-quality protein we’re taking in does some interesting things for certain hormones in the body, too, which wind up helping with immune health as well. 

Ghrelin is a hormone that jacks up our appetite, food intake and fat storage. This was helpful for our ancestors, but for us not so much. Leptin, on the other hand, blocks hunger. 

The great thing is that protein lowers ghrelin and lets leptin do its job telling us “we’re full”! 

When more of the feel-good brain neurotransmitter hormone, dopamine, is released, we have less cravings, more energy and increased motivation. 

If we consume soy protein and amino acids, specifically the amino acid tyrosine, our bodies then produce extra dopamine. 

Bottom line: The more protein and amino acids we eat, the less we crave, the less we eat, the better we feel and the less we weigh. People who weigh less — for healthy reasons — generally have better-functioning immune systems. 

With each serving of Almased, you get a whopping 27 grams of high-quality protein bursting with amino acids and vital nutrients.

The Protein, Gut Health and Immunity Connection 

Regular digestive wear and tear calls for frequent repair. If we consider inflammation, bowel challenges or other gastrointestinal concerns, then the body requires additional protein and other nutrients to help the gut heal itself.

Eating more protein, like the non-GMO soy protein in every serving of Almased, helps us digest the protein that we do eat we more easily. Why? Because extra protein enzymes are released and set to work.  

In fact, soy contains four major components that can enhance the composition of immune-boosting gut bacteria in a prebiotic way: fiber, oligosaccharides, isoflavones and, as mentioned, protein. Prebiotics are food components or nutrients that feed good bacteria.   

A healthy gut-friendly diet includes live cultured foods, since they work wonders to support a healthy balance of bacteria. Say “yes” to fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, pickles, miso, sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha.  

These living foods help to fend off unwanted “bugs” and maintain healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Plus, the cultured yogurt in Almased, which comes from pasture-raised cows, aids the fermentation in the product that your gut craves.   

In addition, the premium-quality raw honey in Almased feeds the fermentation process and makes our good gut bacteria very happy. 

We already know that protein and amino acids, like those in Almased, encourage natural healing, as these nutrients support the health of intestinal mucosa and of the entire immune system, 70 percent of which calls the gut home.

Take-Away: Almased is an essential part of your immune-system armamentarium, one that can complement all of the other good things you’re doing to boost your health. When you’re thinking immune health, make sure to think Almased!

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