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The Science of Almased

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

Who could have predicted that a low-glycemic high-protein formula developed by Hubertus Trouillé in the 1980s to help his patients with sluggish metabolisms would become the nutritional powerhouse called Almased that we know today? 

Unlike other meal-replacement products and weight-loss powders, the science behind Almased is nothing short of astounding. 

In fact, in over 50 published studies and scientific presentations since 2000, Almased has been shown by researchers to offer powerful nutrition in glucose health, metabolism, weight loss and appetite control, exercise and recovery, body composition, and much more. 

In fact, high-quality protein, amino acids and bioactive peptides — just like the ones in Almased — have also been found to support gut health and immunity. 

Glucose Health

In 2008, researchers from the University of Freiburg in Germany enrolled 90 overweight or obese people in a six-week study.  

Participants were randomly placed into one of two groups. One group was placed on a fat-restricted diet, along with dietary counseling and instructions on how to increase physical activity.  

The other participants, the meal-replacement group, were given the same lifestyle instructions but were asked to replace two meals a day with Almased.  

The results? People in the meal-replacement (Almased) group lost significantly more weight and fat, had greater loss of inches around the waistline (waist circumference), and had better levels of both appetite control and healthy glucose (already in a healthy range). 

In a similar study in 2014, the Almased group did not receive instructions about exercise, but all of other parts of the study were the same.  

The results? While both diets reduced body weight and improved body composition (as measured by body mass index, or BMI), the improvements in BMI and healthy glucose (already in a good range) were significantly better in the group which received Almased. 


In a six-month 2004 study that was published in the International Journal of Obesity, 90 pre-obese or obese people were assigned to one of two study groups — a lifestyle education group or a meal-replacement (Almased) diet group, some with a guided exercise program and some without. 

The meal-replacement participants received Almased for two meals a day for the first six weeks, then for one meal a day for 18 weeks. Those who did exercise, also, had two 60-minute exercise classes a week. 

The researchers found that those who received Almased, either without or with exercise, lost more weight and fat than did people who were in the lifestyle group, which the authors concluded was linked to improvements in metabolism. 

2016 study in 83 overweight adults found that Almased safely and effectively produced “significant weight loss,” a good part of which was due to reducing levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone, leptin. 

This study showed that there were “significant improvements” in both body composition and metabolism. 

More recent research out of the University of Alberta, in Canada, in 2021 and 2018, involved giving Almased to healthy, normal-weight adults, who received Almased or a standard North American diet. 

They found that the subjects who received Almased had increased thermogenesis, better fat burning, less resistance to weight loss, enhanced use of carbs, leading the authors to announce that Almased provides a “metabolic advantage” compared to a regular diet. 

Gut Health

If we feed our gut right, it does all of the good things we rely on it to do: break down foods; make vitamins; produce energy; and support our immunity. 

And if we don’t give our gut bacteria the right amount of protein, fats and micronutrients, then our digestive tract can’t do its job of absorbing nutrients.  

Gut bacteria — and a properly working microbiome — also play major roles in supporting cardiovascular health, immunity and brain health, plus reducing the likelihood that we will become obese

Eating more good protein helps us digest protein more easily, because more protein enzymes get released and set to work. 

Soy, in fact, contains four major components that can improve the composition of the gut bacteria in a prebiotic way: fiber, oligosaccharides, isoflavones and protein.  

Prebiotics are foods that feed good bacteria. When we consume good bacteria in a gut health supplement, those are called probiotics. 

In addition to protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, we also need amino acids to feed the gut and even help heal and rejuvenate the gut lining. 


Protein is also absolutely vital to build and repair body tissue, in addition to supporting immunity.  

According to a paper published in the British Journal of Nutrition, not getting enough protein or amino acids in our diet has actually long been known to hamper immune function and increase our vulnerability to infectious disease. 

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics acknowledges that protein plays a critical role in the body's immune system, especially for healing and recovery.  

That’s right. Immune system powerplants, like antibodies and immune system cells, depend on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to weakness, fatigue, and poor immunity. 

In addition, findings from a recent study indicate an important role for amino acids in immunity.  

Increasing evidence shows that dietary supplementation of specific amino acids enhances immune status, with arginine, glutamine and cysteine topping researchers’ lists as among the most effective aminos. 

Soy Protein Is Best

And it’s not just any protein that’s top, but protein from soy, in particular.  

In fact, a study in the journal Nutrition found that supplementation with the bioactive peptides found in soy “can be useful in healthy [people] through an improvement in immune function.” 

And one of the reasons why soy’s such an amazing nutritional and immune ally is precisely because of its naturally occurring bioactive peptides.  

Peptides are pieces of protein that are built with amino acids — when these amino acids join together, they make an amino-peptide. And when peptides link up, they form the basis of proteins. Peptides are super-important in a whole range of body functions, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones. 

Almased is made from non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey in a special fermentation process that releases bioactive peptides.  

Honey, also, is being shown by science to offer immune-support, in its own right! A study out of Nigeria found that natural honey is brimming with pro-immunity benefits. 

The body of research behind Almased, protein, amino acids and bioactive peptides keeps growing every year — in fact, the above studies are just a few examples. So it’s great to know that Almased can be one important part of your efforts to support glucose health, metabolism, gut health and immunity. 

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