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Sugar – How Sweet It Isn’t

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

In the 1960s, the famous comedian Jackie Gleason made this line famous — “How sweet it is!”  

But what’s not sweet is this: The average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar every year, which is more than 50 billion pounds! To put this in perspective, 200 years ago Americans only ate 6.3 pounds of sugar a year. 

While the menu from the 1800s was not perfect — as it had heaping portions of meat and very few veggies — at least we know it wasn’t packed with refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, gums, starches and artificial ingredients. 

There’s no doubt that the U.S. diet — robbed by modern processing of many of its minerals, vitamins and live enzymes — has gone way off track, and with it, so has our health.

While no food can compensate for all of the modern world’s dietary short-falls, there is one powerful thing you can add to your diet daily to help rebalance the scales: It’s Almased, the low-glycemic, high-protein meal replacement and food supplement that you drink as a shake. 

We’ll get to why low-glycemic is important in a minute…. read on! 

Excess Sugar: The Root Cause of So Many Diseases Today  

Today, food manufacturers add monstrous levels of sugar to up to 74 percent of all prepared foods! 

Although we do need a little sugar in our diet — since our cells and brain need glucose for energy — the issue is that the U.S. diet is like one giant sugar tsunami. 

This is particularly bad because excess sugar is one of the drivers of diseases like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. 

One of the big ways that sugar overconsumption contributes to these diseases is because too much sugar causes insulin resistance. 

Insulin Resistance: When the Body Fights Back 

Insulin — a hormone produced in the pancreas in response to glucose — is a key that unlocks our cells, allowing glucose that’s in the bloodstream to enter, be utilized for energy and to fuel our metabolism. 

What’s called insulin resistance can develop, over time, when our bodies get overwhelmed with too much sugar, causing our cells to go into defense mode and to ignore insulin’s unlock “requests,” which sends our blood sugar levels soaring. 

Worse yet, insulin resistance can bring on metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. 

Adopting a Low-Glycemic Lifestyle 

Getting a handle on our glucose starts with choosing foods that are low in a ranking called the Glycemic Index (GI), a rating score for foods that lets us know how fast the body converts the carbs in a food into glucose. 

The smaller the number, the slower the food is converted and the lower the effect on our blood sugar. 

When trying to figure out what foods to select, and what foods to typically avoid, is to look at their GI: 55 or less is low (great); 56–69 is medium (good); and 70 or higher is high (or bad). 

Examples of good low-GI foods include: whole grains; steel-cut oats; apples; tomatoes; vegetables; beans; peas; brown rice; quinoa; and nuts. Certain foods naturally don’t contain any carbs, and so have a “zero” GI: like beef, chicken, fish and eggs. 

Topline, we need more high-quality protein on our plates and in our cups from different sources and much less refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, sodas, sweetened juices, refined carbs, deep-fried foods, and partially hydrogenated (trans) fats. 

Aim for More Protein and Amino Acids 

A 2020 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that protein-rich Almased can help people lose more weight and burn more calories than with regular diets. 

Researchers at the University of Alberta wanted to see if a high-protein low-glycemic diet could ramp up metabolism. They carried out a randomized controlled study in healthy, normal-weight adults. 

One group took Almased in place of meals; the other group ate a standard North American diet. The results? The Almased group experienced increased thermogenesis, better absorption of nutrients, enhanced fat burning, improved appetite and use of carbs, and a reduced tendency to gain fat. 

The authors of this study said this shows that “a calorie is not just a calorie.” They meant that a high-protein low-glycemic diet, one with the same number of calories as a regular diet, can offer more benefits for energy metabolism, fat burning and weight loss. 

This new research validates the results of a 2018 study, which showed that Almased can help the body lose weight and burn more fat, all with less effort — that Almased, they said, provides a “metabolic advantage” compared to a regular diet. 
Not only that, but a unique fermentation process is used to craft Almased. This process, which includes active enzymes, unlocks the full powers of the non-GMO soy, honey and yogurt in Almased, allowing powerful health-promoting bioactive peptides to be released. 

“Weighing” in at 27 grams of protein per serving, supplementing with low-glycemic Almased is an ideal way to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need for healthy metabolism!

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