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You Need a Strong Immune System Year-Round

There’s a common understanding that flu (and now COVID-19) season falls during the winter months; summer is all about school closures, outdoor music festivals, beach bashes, and farmers’ market visits. While it is true that viruses like the flu survive better in cold, dry air, you need a strong immune system year-round—even during those sunshiny summer days—because weather doesn’t carry respiratory infections. And no matter what your mother or grandmother told you, the cold won’t make you sick; it could help burn calories.

Although viruses that cause respiratory infections, such as a cold or flu, have a lower survival rate in the air during the summer, you can still get sick. During these upcoming summer months, we want you to be prepared to take care of your immune system with the same ferocity you exhibit during winter.

Pack on the vitamins and minerals

Like the metabolic system, our immune systems are complex and require a healthy balance for prime function. To ensure strong immunity year-round, become vigilant about your vitamin and mineral intake. One of the best things you can do is pack on the vitamins and minerals right in the morning: Almased contains immune-supporting nutrients vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, amino acids, etc. One Almased shake for breakfast gets your immune system on the right track.

Soak up vitamin D!

Summer sickness is often noticeable because it puts a damper on our outdoor time. However, one of the best ways to lessen your chance of catching a good-weather virus is to spend plenty of time soaking up vitamin D. According to Cynthia Aranow of the National Library of Medicine, “a deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity and an increased susceptibility to infection.”

The best window to soak up that disease-preventing vitamin D is between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM. It is recommended that you allow your arms, legs, abdomen, and back to enjoy 10-15 minutes of sun without any protection. If you tend to work during sunny peaks, add a 10-minute walk to your lunch break or take your food outside; don’t wait until the weekend to soak in the vitamin D—make it part of your daily routine.

Eat summer colors

One thing the weather does affect is our eating habits: studies show that we tend to consume fewer calories during the warmer months. Since you are likely eating less food during the summer, when you sit down for a meal, be sure your plate is colorful. Lots of oranges, greens, yellows, purples, etc., means more nutritious food. Additionally, bring in the spices: garlic, ginger, and turmeric are great immune backers.

Have fun!

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