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Why Almased Must Be On Your Immune-Support Checklist!

Written by Jamie, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

If you type “immune-support nutrients” into Google, you’ll get plenty of articles on the usual cast of characters: vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and so on.

And these are very good nutrients, no doubt about it. But when do we read about how incredibly important protein and amino acids are for immunity?

Probably not very often, if ever. 

And especially because so many of us, these days, are looking for natural ways to boost our immune function, it’s unfortunate that so very little is out there about these immune-healthy nutrients.

Fortunately, however, there is solid information available, even though it’s not touted on cable TV . . . at least not yet.

Other fortunate news is that protein-rich Almased stands ready to be added to your immune-support arsenal, but more on that in a minute…

Protein is a Pro for Immunity!

In point of fact, protein is absolutely vital to build and repair body tissue and support immunity

And according to a paper published in the British Journal of Nutrition, not getting enough protein or amino acids in our diet has actually long been known to hamper immune function and increase our vulnerability to infectious disease.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, protein plays a critical role in the body's immune system, especially for healing and recovery. 

That’s right. Immune system powerplants, like antibodies and immune system cells, depend on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to weakness, fatigue, and poor immunity.

Findings from a recent study indicate an important role for amino acids in immunity. Increasing evidence shows that dietary supplementation of specific amino acids enhances immune status, with arginine, glutamine and cysteine topping researchers’ lists as among the most effective aminos.

And protein malnutrition reduces concentrations of most amino acids in plasma. And one of the reasons that protein is immunity gold is that the antibodies which help fight these “bugs” are actually made of protein!

Soy Protein Is Best

And it’s not just any protein that’s best, but protein from soy, in particular. 

In fact, a study in the journal Nutrition found that supplementation with the bioactive peptides found in soy “can be useful in healthy [people] through an improvement in immune function.”

That’s right. One of the reasons why soy’s such an amazing nutritional and immune ally is precisely because of its naturally occurring bioactive peptides. 

Peptides are pieces of protein that are built with amino acids — when these amino acids join together, they make an amino-peptide. And when peptides link up, they form the basis of proteins. Peptides are super-important in a whole range of body functions, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones.

Almased is made from non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey in a special fermentation process that releases bioactive peptides. 

Honey, also, is being shown by science to offer immune-support, in its own right! A study out of Nigeria found that natural honey is brimming with pro-immunity benefits.

In fact, with each serving of Almased, you get a whopping 27 grams of high-quality protein bursting with amino acids and vital nutrients, including honey.

Guarding ourselves nutritionally is the key to staying healthy and warding off the sniffles. Remember, when we take care of ourselves we can take better care of the ones we love. 

You already knew that amino-acid-rich Almased is one component of a healthy diet that’s important for overall wellness. 

But now you also know that Almased is a vital part of your immune-system war chest, one that can complement all of the other good things you’re doing to protect your health.

Shelf-stable Almased is literally packed with protein, bioactive peptides and amino acids needed for optimal nutrition.

When you’re thinking immunity, make sure to remember Almased. Order some today!

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