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The Diet That Stole Christmas: Helpful Tips To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Written by Jamie, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Christmas is a few days away! While we are busy planning how we’ll spend our day with our loved ones, the last thing we want to think about is our diet. The average weight gain for Americans during the holidays is 5 pounds or more. Indeed, avoiding holiday weight gain is this season’s goal. 

Here are a couple of useful tips to help you enjoy the holidays without gaining weight. 

Reward yourself. 

If you’ve been good (with your diet) this year to stall the quarantine weight gain, use the holidays as a way to reward yourself for all the great dieting efforts you’ve made.

Give yourself a day to relax and reward yourself for your accomplishments, whether big or small, with non-food rewards. 

You can do so by downloading a new movie to watch, shopping online for the latest trendy home decor you’ve been eyeing all month long, or going full glam for the gram. 

Join or host a virtual gift exchange party. 

More than often, participating in a fun activity will help take your attention away from food. 

If it’s an option, join or host a virtual gift exchange party, go on a pleasant stroll or hike outdoors (away from crowds, of course), or DIY-ing a Christmas wreath. 

The more you occupy yourself with activities, the less time you’ll spend thinking about food or circling the dessert table. 

How much water should I drink to lose weight?

Hydrate often. Sometimes when we’re busy over the holidays, we forget to keep ourselves hydrated. 

An excellent way to remind yourself to hydrate is to keep a full bottle of water with you at all times and to drink bone or veggie broth as an appetizer with each meal. 

Drinking water or broth between or before meals can help control cravings and hunger. This way, you’ll be less inclined to focus on food and instead can enjoy the holidays. 

Almased’s Diet Plan explains the best way to lose weight on the plan is to drinking plenty of water, including 4 cups of veggie broth throughout the day to help curb cravings and help you stay hydrated. 

Best Way To Lose Weight

Plan how much food you’ll enjoy. If you are the type of person who has eyes bigger than your stomach, then you might find this planning tip useful. 

Before a holiday meal, make an agreement with yourself ahead of time to enjoy a specific portion of food. 

For example, say to yourself, “At dinner, I will choose one mini appetizer, enough food on a one 7” plate of food, and one thin slice of pie or cake.” Being specific with your portions will help you ignore all temptations and avoid weight gain. 

Have a Back-Up Plan. We know it’s so easy to be tempted by food and sweets over the holidays. To keep your calories in line, plan to fast with Almased for three days before or after the holidays. 

Fasting with Almased will help offset the extra calories you may eat and prevent us from putting on unwanted pounds. 

Now, if you’re planning your 2021 resolutions and want to know “how to lose weight fast.” Download Almased’s Diet Plan that focuses on healthy fasting for weight loss.

Hopefully, you’ll find these tips helpful! Remember, the holiday season comes around only once a year. Focus on spending quality time with your loved ones, whether in small gatherings, virtually, or socially distanced, and don’t let the stress of dieting steal away your Christmas joy.

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