| 4 minutes

Surviving the Holidays

From party platters and company potlucks to decadent drinks and sugary confections, the holidays are traditionally a time filled with as much temptation as cheer. This year, the dynamics might be different, but the temptations remain. Here are a few of our favorite ways to beat the holiday slide while still enjoying the holiday spirit in all its glory.

1. Eat at home 

For once, this one isn’t hard! Given the current recommendations from most doctors, it’s safest to stay at home as much as possible anyway. Eating at home gives you more control over healthy food choices. If you do have to venture out, have an Almased shake before you go to keep the hunger at bay.

2. Be creative, not restrictive

While nutrition is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle, imposing unrealistic rules can add a lot of pressure. Instead, make creative alternatives that are equally enjoyable and satisfying. Proteins like chicken and fish provide filling nutrition that satisfies quickly, and they keep you fuller longer. Certain fruits are metabolized differently than pastries and desserts, making them a better choice. Pair with an Almased smoothie or serve a bowl with pistachios as an elegant after-dinner treat. A little creative thinking and planning ahead can truly go a long way.

3. Get active

It’s no secret that exercise is a big component to a healthy lifestyle, but in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s not always practical to incorporate vigorous workouts into your daily routine. Workout when you can, but also remember that even a 20 to 30 minute brisk walk can be effective. One study suggests a 20-minute post-dinner walk may even be effective at lowering the glycemic impact of the evening meal. 

4. Staying on the Almased diet

No matter what phase you’re on, it’s important to stay the course. The biggest problem with fad diets is the yo-yo effect. One of the best parts about the Almased approach is that it isn’t structured to be a trend diet in this way, but rather a lifestyle. The 4 Phase plan introduces the initial supplement as a complete meal replacement, but gradually adds full healthy meals as you complete each phase. Even at the fourth and “final” Life Stage, though, the diet isn’t “over.” Just the opposite--it’s the beginning of a new life with a nutritious lifestyle designed for optimal health.

So while the holidays are traditionally a time that can challenge our goals, lean on Almased to help you power through them this year.

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