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More Americans Opt for Non-GMO Foods

In recent years, a growing number of Americans have become more passionate about the type of foods they eat, avoiding foods with GMOs as much as possible or even at all costs.

Defining GMO Vs. Non-GMO

GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals with DNA that has been tweaked by genetic engineering. GMO foods were created to help reduce the chance of crops failing, assisting plants in growing with enhanced nutrition and resistance to diseases.

It also has allowed for more efficient use of land and kept food prices from rising exorbitantly. The issue in the limelight with GMO foods is whether or not it harms our agriculture and health in the long run.

Since the safety of eating GMO foods has not been verified, more Americans opt for non-GMO foods, because not only may non-GMO foods be safer, they are also tastier and more nutritious.

Why Non-GMO is More Nutritious

Researchers believe that when non-GMO fruits and vegetables grow in natural conditions with greater stress, they develop higher nutritional content, which can be found in the following foods:

  1. Organic strawberries taste better and are more nutritious. They even have a higher amount of vitamin C and antioxidant activity compared to conventionally grown strawberries.
  2. Non-GMO soy has been found to have 12-14% more amounts of cancer-fighting isoflavones (phytoestrogens).
  3. Canola (rapeseed) has a higher amount of vitamin A and E and fat composition compared to genetically modified canola.
  4. Organic tomatoes are sweeter and have higher vitamin C levels and antioxidant compounds, such as lycopene.

Choosing Non-GMO Soy

Almased, the low-glycemic high-protein diet is comprised of three ingredients; one main ingredient is non-GMO soy.

In Almased’s latest research, results show that Almased has no significant impact on sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, as well as thyroid hormones and cortisol even when consumed three times per day.

Moreover, previous research showed that Almased did not affect the hormones of women in remission from (negative type progesterone/estrogen receptor) breast cancer. In fact, after using Almased for weight loss, the women surveyed stated that they have a better mood and overall quality of life. In a five-year follow-up, the women remained cancer-free.

To learn more about soy, read our article on “The Truth About Soy” and “Soy Myths Debunked.”

Give Almased a try!

You can find Almased at WalgreensCVSAmazon and Swanson Health. To speak with a representative about how Almased can fit into your lifestyle, call toll-free 1-877-256-2733.



“Fruit and Soil Quality of Organic and Conventional Strawberry Agroecosystems” by J.P. Reganold et al.,m PLOS ONE, 9/1/10

“Organic Tomatoes Accumulate More Vitamin C, Sugars than Conventionally Grown Fruit” www.sciencedaily.com

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