| 6 minutes

How to Avoid Sugar Temptations Over the Holidays

Written by Jamie, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Even though you thought to get in the best shape of your life seemed utterly unimaginable, you still made every effort to see it happen this year. Whether you followed a meal replacement program like Almased or made a complete lifestyle change to achieve your health goals, you did it, and the rewards have been amazing. You not only look better, but you also feel better - more energized and much healthier.

So, what can you do to keep things up amid the holidays (aka sweet season), when you are surrounded by carb-rich sugary desserts like pies and cakes that can easily take you back to old eating habits?

Use these three strategies to help you fight those sweet temptations during the holidays.

1. Eat at Home

Have a snack or eat half of your meal at home before the event to keep you from arriving hungry. Hunger can lead to overeating and cause you to choose less healthy foods like cookies and cupcakes.

Try taking half a shake of Almased on the go or snack on a handful of walnuts, low-fat string cheese, or cup of yogurt before heading out the door.

2. Find Healthy Alternatives

At the event, gravitate towards fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Eating fruits and vegetables is a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Fruits and some veggies contain sugar that metabolizes differently in the body than simple sugars found in desserts.

Unlike desserts, a portion of fresh mixed fruits will not make you feel sluggish or sabotage your diet. Instead, fruits will add fiber and antioxidants, beneficial for your health.

Also, adding more lean proteins like fish, chicken, and beans to your plate can make you feel full and satisfied pretty quickly, making sweets look less desirable.

3. Eat Less, Enjoy More

Remember, moderation is the key to weight maintenance. Small portions and a sample of dessert are okay. Don’t stress over giving into sweets, instead savor those bites while they last, but limit yourself to only a few.

Are you thinking of going cold turkey on the sweets altogether? Try keeping them out of sight to reduce temptation by socializing in dessert-free areas of the room.

If the sweet cravings become unbearable, distract yourself by taking a walk around the block or focusing your attention on friends and family with engaging conversations.

Besides, the holidays are about spending quality time with friends and family, not thinking about “what’s for dessert.”

Give Almased a try!

You can find Almased at WalgreensCVSAmazon and Swanson Health. To speak with a representative about how Almased can fit into your lifestyle, call toll-free 1-877-256-2733.

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