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Gutsy Moves – The Power Inside

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

Sure, we know gut health is important, but did you know that new research has proven that the secret to healthy aging is in the gut?  

True enough, a study that appeared in the journal Nature Metabolism found that, as people grow older, the make-up of the bacteria in their gut, which is called the gut microbiome, changes.  

But this is a good thing, apparently, since the more it changes the better it is for our health.

 Apparently, in people who are healthy, the kinds of bacteria that rule the gut “roost” in early adulthood make up an increasingly tiny percentage of bacteria as they get older, allowing more “rare” good bacteria to become dominant. 

However, in folks who are less healthy,  the reverse happens — the mix of bacteria in their gut stays pretty much the same; these people wind up not living as long as the healthier people with bacteria ratios that change over time. 

Body Wisdom? Exercise and A Better Diet 

Dr. Sean Gibbons, from Seattle’s Institute for Systems Biology, told The New York Times, “A lot of aging research is obsessed with returning people to a younger state or turning back the clock. But here the conclusion is very different.” 

It seems that, just like getting older can be accompanied by learning and increased wisdom, our gut can also benefit by learning some new bacterial tricks, which is, you have to admit, pretty body-wise. 

And a big part of healthy aging is a better diet and increased physical activity.  

In fact, a Danish study from 2020 found that older adults who were more physically active have more good bacteria in their guts than do older folks who are inactive.

The Healthy Diet Advantage 

Research has shown that healthier adults with more diverse microbiomes have better nutrition, need less medications and are healthier overall.  

One way we can help our guts stay healthy to eat more fiber from such sources as beans, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. 

In fact, one healthy metabolic byproduct (“metabolite”) shared by these healthier people is indole, a powerful compound that can be produced by gut microbes but which is also found in soy

Experimental research suggests that indole supplementation helps animals stay healthy, be more active, plus be extra-resistant to illness and stress. 

Gut bacteria also play major roles in supporting cardiovascular health, brain health, plus reducing the likelihood that we will become obese. 

Nab More Protein and Amino Acids! 

Regular digestive wear and tear requires frequent repair. If we add inflammation, bowel challenges or other gastrointestinal issues to the mix, then we need even more protein and other nutrients to help restore gut health. 

Eating more good protein helps us also digest protein more easily, because then even more protein enzymes get released and set to work. 

In addition to protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, we also need amino acids to feed the gut and help rejuvenate the gut lining. 

Aim for More Fermented Foods 

Many traditional diets in the world feature fermented foods. In fact, milk from camels, goats, sheep and cattle was naturally fermented as far back as 10,000 BC. 

But it wasn’t until the 1800s, however, that people really understood the science of how yeast is able to ferment foods. 

The fermentation process involves bacteria or yeasts that convert the sugars in food to organic acids or alcohol. Examples of fermented foods include kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut and yogurt. 

Some of the most popular fermented soy foods include miso, natto, pickled tofu, tamari and tempeh. 

Fermented soy is especially nutritious because the fermentation process is able to unlock the bioactive peptides and other nutrients inside soy. 

Even better, bioactive peptides work to improve our satiety (our ability to feel full) by supporting healthy levels of the hunger hormones, leptin and ghrelin. 

Enter Gut-Friendly Almased 

Protein and peptides work best when crafted in an all-natural formula, rather than just being extracted and consumed by themselves. 

One such formula is Almased.  

Supported by over 30 years of research, Almased is rich in soy protein, bioactive peptides, amino acids and other nutrients. 

Make sure that protein-packed, bioactive peptide- and amino-acid-rich Almased is a core part of your new gut-wise diet! 

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