| 18 minutes

10 Answers To Your Almased Diet Questions

Written by Jamie Luu, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist

Anyone who’s embarking on a new health journey, or a newly minted weight-loss diet, has questions, and that’s very good. We should have lots of questions and should make sure that we get plenty of good answers, too. 

Sometimes we ask our friends on Facebook. Sometimes we just search online. Or maybe we just ask a family member, a co-worker, or even a neighbor. While we can get some good information in those ways, the accuracy of the information we receive will be uneven, at best, or questionable, at worst.

At Almased, we’re always happy to answer questions about Almased and to help you make informed nutritional choices, no matter what your specific health needs might be.

In this article, we’ve decided to tackle 10 the most frequently asked questions that we receive here at Almased.

Feel free to read through the questions to arm yourself with tips and information for effective weight loss, or go ahead and skip to the question you’re dying to know the answer to!

1. How many tablespoons of Almased should I use?

The average serving size of Almased is 8 Tbsp per shake. Most individuals can use more or less depending on their protein needs.

In general, Almased promotes a high-protein diet to help with muscle retention and appetite suppression, which can further weight loss.

You can follow Almased’s height-chart found on our website as a guide. Most individuals will find that 8 Tbsp of Almased per shake is plenty satisfying, while others enjoy having an extra ½ a shake (4 Tbsp) of Almased before 3 hours before bedtime to help curb appetite overnight.

2. What kind of weight loss should I expect on Almased?

How much weight is lost on the Almased diet very much depends on many different factors, such as age, starting weight, physical activity level and how strict you are with your diet.

Reducing calories by 500 per day, either by diet or exercise, can help you burn up to 1 pound per week of body fat. Generally speaking, healthy and sustainable weight loss is about 1 pound to 2 pounds per week.

While on the Almased Diet, some people may lose more in the beginning and gradually shed pounds as they continue on the diet.

Almased is a calorie-restricted diet, while still providing your body with high protein for muscle retention and cravings reduction – helping to prevent yo-yo dieting. Almased is able to help you reduce calories and lose weight safely.

3. How often should I weigh myself?

Weighing yourself is a good way to keep track of your progress. However, sometimes when we weigh too often, it can be discouraging and that’s the last thing we need when we’re already working so hard on our diet. We suggest weighing in no more than once per week. 

When you do weigh yourself, weigh at the same time of day. Jot down your weight. Also, take a quick picture of yourself or even measuring inches. What the scale doesn’t show, can very well show up in your physical appearance. 

Your progress is a combination of everything happening, like inches lost, looser fitting pants, feeling more energized, better sleep, or even fewer sugar cravings. Get an overall snapshot of what’s happening to your body than just relying on the scale. 

4. Where can I find support for the Almased Diet?

We have an amazingly positive and supportive Almased community on Facebook that anyone who has used or is currently using Almased can join. Simply, click here

There, you can ask questions, post your progress, and share your experience or even favorite shake recipes. All of our active members have been very helpful to each other.

We also are there to answer questions you have. In addition, for specific nutrition questions or diet needs, our dietitian is available to answer them. You can email our dietitian at nutritionist@almased.com.

5. What other products do Almased have?

 Almased has the following products:

  1. Almased Protein Powder, in its original neutral flavor.
  2. Almased Protein Powder, in convenient single-serving packets.
  3. Almased Protein Powder, in almond-vanilla flavor! It’s the same great formula, now is tasty almond-vanilla.
  4. Almased Wellness Tea, an herbal loose-leaf calming tea, the perfect beverage to complement the Almased Diet.

Almased protein powder is comprised of non-GMO plant-based protein, enzyme-rich honey, and premium skim milk yogurt. Each serving contains 27 grams of quality protein and 15 grams of slow carbs. Almased is gluten-free and diabetic friendly. It contains no stimulants, added sugars, artificial colors, fillers, or preservatives.

Heavily researched for 20 years, evidence shows that Almased aids healthy weight loss by boosting the metabolism, supports hunger hormones to curb appetite, and helps the body maintain lean muscle mass while on a calorie-reduced diet.

Go here for product information.

6. How do I conquer sweet cravings?

After maintaining a regular stream of sweets in our diet, we are programmed to crave it! At the start of the Almased Diet, you may experience “sugar withdrawals”, since the Almased Diet itself is low in sugar compared to the regular American Diet. The sugar withdrawals can feel obnoxiously intense.

First, don’t give in! Give your body time to get used to the new normal of a low-sugar diet and in a matter of weeks, the constant blaring of wanting sugar will begin to fade away. Eventually, taste buds become more sensitive to sugar and will help your body crave less of it.

In the meantime, substitute all sugar for natural sweeteners such as stevia or monk fruit. 

Avoid candy, desserts, fruit juice, and fruit that are high in sugar like bananas, melons, and mangoes. 

Rather, stick to low-glycemic fibrous fruit such as apple, citrus, or berries. Unsweetened fruit-infused tea or chocolate tea can help satisfy cravings.

7. Should I add oil or fiber to the shakes?

While it is not a requirement to add oil or fiber to Almased shakes, we highly encourage it. Fiber can help promote regularity and oil provides the body with healthy fats.

You may choose to add 1 Tbsp of chia seeds, flaxseeds, or psyllium husks, as well as, 1-2 tsp of olive, walnut or flax oil to each shake. 

Adding fiber and oil is not a requirement for weight loss, but most individuals feel more satisfied adding either one of these to their shakes. You may add fiber or oil to any of Almased’s shake recipes. 

8. What foods should I eat while on the Almased Diet?

Meals may consist of lean meats (such as skinless chicken, fish, or tofu) with raw, steamed, or cooked vegetables and whole grains. 

For example 3-4 oz (size of your palm) of skinless chicken or fish, 1-2 cups of green leafy vegetables or salad with no more than 1 Tbsp of olive oil and vinegar dressing and a ½-1 cup of brown rice, quinoa or whole-wheat pasta. 

As much as possible, avoid refined sugars, white rice, pasta, white bread, candy, cakes, or overly processed foods. These contain excessive artificial ingredients and preservatives your body does not need.

To make it easy for you, we’ve created a food list, which you can download, print, and keep handy.

9. What snacks can I eat while on the Almased Diet?

When you begin phase 2 of the Figure Plan (Plus) diet. You can have 1-2 snacks per day, if necessary.

First, keep in mind that most of the time we snack out of habit. So, it’s important to be mindful of what in our surrounding environment is triggering our desire to snack. Ask yourself, “Am I wanting to snack because I always do around bedtime when I’m watching TV?”, “Do I want to snack because it’s right in front of me and I just can’t say no?”. 

When you realize that you are snacking out of habit, not due to hunger. Then, grab yourself a cold glass of water and wait about 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you may realize that the desire to snack was actually due to thirst.

If you truly must snack, aim for snacks below 300 calories per serving that are high in protein and/or fiber. Be careful of portion sizes as snacks can easily turn into meals!

Here are some examples:

  • 5 whole-wheat crackers with 1.5 oz can tuna and 2 tsp light mayo
  • 2 large boiled eggs with everything seasoning
  • 20 carrot sticks and 2 celery stalks with ¼ cup of hummus
  • 1 hard-boiled egg With “Everything Bagel” Seasoning (or a dash of sea salt)
  • 1 serving of maple-walnut oatmeal (2 Tbsp steel cut oats w/ ½ cup of water and 1 Tbsp chopped nuts)
  • ½ cup low-fat greek yogurt with 2 tsp chopped Walnuts
  • ¼ cup of crunchy roasted chickpeas
  • 1 lettuce roll-up (Spread 1 Tbsp of hummus on lettuce, top on 1 slice of turkey deli with 1 slice of tomato and 3 julian cuts of cucumber.)

10. Do I need to follow an exercise plan while on the Almased Diet?

Since your calorie intake will reduce significantly, you do not necessarily have to exercise on the Almased Diet to lose weight, but we encourage you to be physically active at least 30 minutes daily.

Doing light to moderate exercises is vital in lowering stress, improving strength & flexibility, controlling weight, burning more calories, and increasing lean muscle mass. Physical activity can benefit anyone and is good for your overall well-being at any age. We therefore strongly recommend exercising, even if it’s only light exercise, such as walking around the block or a casual bike ride.

During the fasting phase of the Almased Figure Plan (Plus), we recommend light exercises only, like walking, stretching, or daily indoor chores, since the diet itself is already low in calories.

When you advance to the next (reduction) phase, you can begin moderate to vigorous exercises for 30 to 45 minutes daily, depending on what you are capable of. 

We recommend starting slow with any exercise program. As you build stamina, you can intensify your exercise. Generally, weight-bearing exercises can enhance metabolism, while low-intensity lengthy cardio can lead to fat burn.

You can combine the Almased Diet with an exercise program that alternates between weight-bearing activities and low-intensity cardio.

As always, seek help from a professional before starting on any exercise program.

We hope these answers can help you along your Almased journey. If you have more questions, leave them in the comment box below and we’ll be happy to answer them in an upcoming blog! 

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