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Amino Acids, Protein and the New Age of Cellular Health

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer

We sometimes forget how powerful the human body actually is. 

We wonder: Why isn’t my metabolism faster? Why aren’t I losing weight but I’m holding on to fat? Why do I often feel sluggish?  

Yet, like a high-performance machine, the heart, brain, tissues and cells are working overtime to try to make sure that things are running well, including our metabolism. 

But what is metabolism? 

Metabolism: The Not-So-Hidden Secret  

Put simply, metabolism is the totality of all chemical reactions that occur inside each and every cell that provide energy for vital processes and for making things that the body needs to survive, grow and thrive. 

Deep inside cells are mitochondria, membrane-bound cell structures that generate almost all of the chemical energy required to fuel each cell’s biochemical reactions.  

Mitochondria generate large quantities of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which captures chemical energy from the metabolic breakdown of food molecules. 

Nutrients and Metabolism 

Mastering our metabolism is a complicated process. It’s not just about genetics, lifestyle and exercise, but also about how enzymes and other factors help or hinder our metabolic machinery.  

In fact, enzymes create chemical reactions in the body to support life. The enzymes in your body perform crucial tasks, which include building muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion. 

Food nutrients give us a wide range of substances that are essential for the building, maintenance and repair of body tissues and for efficient body functioning. 

For growth and maintenance of tissues, protein (working as enzymes) aids thousands upon thousands of biochemical reactions that take place inside and outside your cells.  

These enzyme proteins also combine with other molecules inside of the cell, called substrates, which accelerate reactions that power metabolism. 

Some enzymes, like digestive enzymes, help digest sugar. In some cases, enzymes need nutrients, such as vitamins or minerals, to do their work. 

The smallest components of protein are amino acids. Nine of 21 aminos are considered essential. They can’t be produced by the body and so must come from diet.  

Of course we also need carbohydrates for energy, minerals for body regulation, and both vitamins and minerals for metabolism. 


Almased and Cellular Health 

German holistic therapist Hubertus Trouillé made it his mission to develop a nutritious dietary supplement formula that would help jump-start metabolism. 

Over 30 years of research later, the scientifically-proven Almased Diet has now helped hundreds of thousands of people get healthier. 

In fact, every serving of Almased is brimming with 27 grams of high-quality protein and all of the essential amino acids, in addition to vitamins and minerals. Almased is made from non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey.  

Not getting enough protein or amino acids in our diet has actually long been known to hamper immune function and increase our vulnerability to infectious disease. In fact, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics acknowledges that protein plays a critical role in the body's immune system, especially for healing and recovery.   

Better yet, Almased’s fermentation process is able to unlock the bioactive peptides and other nutrients from inside soy. 

Peptides are super-important in a whole range of body activities, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones. 

Honey, also, is being shown by science to offer immune-support, in its own right. A study out of Nigeria found that natural honey is bursting with pro-immunity benefits.  

By now you can see that Almased is a diabetic-friendly cellular-health powerhouse that supports metabolism, immunity, gut health and healthy weight loss. 

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