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The Bride Diet: Best Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

This is THE biggest day of your life. So many things can go wrong, so you can't just "not worry about it." What if it rains? Will the mascara smear if I cry? Or worse - what if the dress doesn’t fit?

Of all essential bridal diet tips, first, determine when to start a diet in time for the wedding. Define your ideal weight and figure how much you want to lose. If you’re looking to cut 5 to 10 pounds, allow about 5-10 weeks ahead of time. If you'd like to shed more, start even earlier.

Bride magazine advises you to schedule a fitting two months before the wedding and to follow up with final alterations no later than two weeks before.

“Never order a too-small dress as motivation. It’s easier to take in a larger dress than to let out a smaller one. Stick to the best wedding diet and set reasonable goals.

To avoid stressing over a few pounds, consider an A-line style that can cover lingering ‘bumps.’ Generally, the slinkier the gown, the harder it is to fix the fit.”

Pre-wedding Diet Plan

The best diet plan before the wedding is the Almased Figure plan, and here's why - it is uncomplicated, easy to stick with, and it works!

The basics are simple. Just drink a single nutritional Almased shake in place of a meal. You can replace one, two, or all three daily meals with your favorite blend of shake. It all hinges on your desired results.

Bride-to-be Janine M. is just one bridal Success Story. She said, “Without Almased, I would never have zipped into my dress for a very special day.” She promised herself that her groom would continue to see the woman he met on their wedding day.

Though your initial goal may be to lose weight for a spectacular wedding, why waste the effort when you can keep the weight off beyond your honeymoon?

One outstanding benefit from using Almased nutritional shakes is you can continue to enjoy a daily shake, to maintain your ideal weight.

And, have you considered getting your partner involved? Almased is not just for brides, but for grooms, too.

Consider sharing fitness activities as well. You can join up at the gym, play tennis, or enjoy a brisk walk. Planning any activity helps you look forward to your time together while developing new healthy lifestyle habits.

Beware of programs that offer extreme calorie restriction without nutrition. Over time, this can drive your body to conserve fat and start using muscle for energy.

Furthermore, especially in advance of your big day, you need to feel energetic and be “stress-resistant.” Thus it is highly important that you get good nutrition and all the nutrients you need.

Almased’s Phase 1 is a liquid fast that could last from 1 to 14 days and works wonders as an effective bridal detox. The anti-inflammatory and cleansing benefits bring rest to the digestive system and reset hunger signals.

Almased is designed to adjust your appetite, not just suppress it.

Many Almased consumers experience other beneficial side effects, such as improved metabolism, long-lasting energy, stronger hair and nails, glowing skin tone, and feeling more rested due to a better quality of sleep.

Loss of weight and belly fat is most rapid during phase 1 of liquid fasting. So, about one month before your wedding date, you can return to phase 1 or phase 2 if you need to speed up results.

Bride-to-be Lisa K. is one more inspiring Almased Success Story.

When Lisa’s high-intensity interval training hadn’t given her the desired results, she turned to Almased and immediately found success.

Lisa wrote, “Thanks to Almased and a boosted metabolism, I feel amazing in my wedding dress.”

1 Week Before Wedding Diet

By this time, thanks to self-mastery of the skinny-bride diet, your new dream body has blossomed. You're likely in phase 4 of eating three healthy meals a day along with one Almased shake for continued nutritional weight maintenance.

Additional weight loss can still be achieved just in one week. Adjust any stubborn bulge by fast-tracking through Phase 1 of the Almased Figure plan. You will arrive on center stage gracefully elegant, with a naturally radiant glow.

Perhaps the most valuable of all wedding tips is to relax and fully savor this most precious day of your life. For most brides, your wedding is the one event to wear an exquisite gown that fits like a glove and makes you feel like a princess.

Almased wishes you excellent health and joy!

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