| 18 minutes

Weight Loss Challenge – Best New Year Weight Loss Resolution

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer


  • Before starting on the Almased weight loss journey, set your intentions in a structured way to help you stay on course for success.
  • When Almased is combined with SMART goals you’ll see quick and long-lasting success.
  • Almased is a powerful arsenal against weight gain and the yo-yo diet effect.

Weight Loss Resolution

After spending a relentless amount of fun indulging in the yuletide carols, it’s now time to reflect on our goals for the New Year.

Think of a mental image of your ideal dream body. What does it look like? How would you feel?

Setting a weight loss resolution takes careful thought and planning. Without planning, you may veer off path or delay getting to your goal. So, think deeply about how to lose weight in 2019 along with your goals and why you want to achieve them. Then, be determined to create a SMART goal.

Before starting on the Almased weight loss journey, set your intentions in a structured way to help you stay on course for success. Here’s how you can create your SMART goals.


Goals Must Be Specific

I want to become healthy. (least specific)

I want to lose weight and become healthier. (more specific)

I want to lose 20 pounds in a healthy manner. (most specific)


Goals Must Be Measurable

Exactly what measures success? Drop 20 pounds? Lose 10 inches?


Goals Must Be Actionable

Be clear and realistic about what you will do to achieve your goal:

I will fast with Almased Shakes for 3 days. I will eat no more than 1200 calories daily. I will choose healthy foods (make a meal planner). I will not eat fried foods. I will exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week. All do-able!


Goals Must Be Relevant

Avoid setting too many goals at a time and keep them relevant.

Don’t resolve to downsize your home, making a career change, going back to school and losing weight all at once. Divide a major goal into smaller relevant ones like I want to be healthy, I want to lose 20 pounds, I want to eat healthfully and eliminate junk foods, or I want to start a yoga class.


Goals Must Be Time-based

I want to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks. Therefore, I’ll plan to lose one pound a week. I want to buy new clothes - at least one size smaller - by spring break.

Here is the sad fact – most New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside. Not always because we lacked effort, but partly because of how our goals were structured.

Remember: A goal is more than a fantasy about what you want to do, have, or become. When done right, a goal becomes your GPS navigation system complete with re-routing ability, directing you how to stay on course.

After you have made your weight loss resolution, determine what you will use to help get you there. Will it be Almased shakes, a meal plan, exercise program or all of the about?

Fastest Way To Lose Weight

We all want to lose weight quickly and Almased is your heavy artillery for rapid weight loss. When combined with SMART goals you’ll see quick and long-lasting success. Think of your weight loss resolution as a challenge that you will try to beat without fail. After making it through the challenge, you’ll feel not only an unbelievable amount of satisfaction but also confidence. Here are the results of three individuals that used The Almased Diet as part of their weight loss resolution/challenge.

Omer’s Story:

Omer lost 74 pounds in 5 months. “Once you experience Almased for yourself and how good it makes you feel, you won’t want to stop either!

Catarsha’s Story:

[Almased] helped me control my appetite which made me more conscious of what I was eating throughout the day. Long story short, the pounds began to disappear continually. I went from a size 16 to a size 6 in the course of a year and the weight has stayed off. I brag about Almased to anyone that will listen now! I still use Almased today and I’m 135 pounds and healthy! - Catarsha A.

Antony’s Story:

“At 5’ 9”, my goal with the Almased Diet was to weigh the number of pounds stated on my driver’s license, 190 pounds. I hoped that Almased would get me there. I started the diet by drinking Almased four times a day. I would drink three shakes to replace my meals and one shake after my workout. To mix Almased, I used Almased’s Caramel Latte recipe with a little bit of Sweet ‘n Low.

After a week of following the Almased Diet regimen, I had lost five pounds. I was surprised. So, I kept on going with the goal of losing another five pounds, then another five.

Eventually, I added fitness and food back into my diet, but I didn’t need to eat a lot of food because the shakes kept me full. After a short amount of time, I was down 33 pounds and kept it off for the whole year. I was so happy!

I now weigh 179 pounds and have been able to maintain. That is the best part: maintaining my new weight… My doctor tells me I am much more heart-healthy and do not need to rely as much on medications.

I am really proud of myself for how far I have come. I never imagined that I would weigh less than the number of pounds on my driver’s license.” – Anthony K.

What can you take away from the experiences of these two success stories who made it through the challenge and achieve their weight loss resolution?


Weight Loss Survival Tips

Tip 1: A gung-ho attitude helps push us forward toward achievement, especially at the beginning - but it’s hard to sustain over time. Long-term success happens when new healthy habits go on auto-pilot.

Tip 2: Be kind to yourself. No one is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Aim for progress, not perfection. If you have a lapse for a meal or a day, don’t give up entirely. Stick with it. It’s the successful weight loss winners who just keep going. Don’t beat yourself up!

Tip 3: Motivate yourself with results. It’s fun waving goodbye to uncomfortable sluggishness, bloating and belly fat as you usher in new feelings of hope, comfort and vibrant well-being. Once you start feeling the benefits, new habits are more comfortable to stick with.

Tip 4: Every computer has a backup plan and so should you. On the days you can't make it to the gym for your 30-minute morning work-out, be ready with a backup plan, such as a 15-minute walk after dinner instead.

Should you over-indulge on mom’s chocolate mousse tonight, substitute your favorite Almased Shake for a meal tomorrow. Life happens. A well-executed back-up plan is a solution, not a set-back!

The Almased Weight Loss Diet

Almased uses a unique fermentation process of natural non-GMO soy, probiotic yogurt, and raw (full of enzymes) honey so you can feel good about using it. There are no stimulants in Almased, yet a big natural energy boost is often the first effect noticed from the Almased diet.

With Almased helping to burn fat, you’ll lose weight quickly without those punishing hunger pangs! The ongoing use of Almased as needed, allows you to maintain your ideal weight.

The Almased Shake is Quicker Than Driving Through The Fast Food Lane!

Grab your shaker bottle or jar, and shake up the Almased with water or soy beverage and your most prized flavorings - like cinnamon, pumpkin pie spices, cloves, cocoa powder, cardamom and extracts such as vanilla, coconut, mint, etc. When you start adding fruits as well, you’ll see how vast the combinations are. You will not be bored!

In truth, many reduce-your-weight diets will take off pounds sooner or later. But, most of them leave you hungry and unsatisfied. The Almased Diet Plan and the Almased Fast aka The Emergency-Bikini-Plan are the healthy ones that also keep working after your goal weight is achieved.


Dr. Charles Shively, Ph.D., RPh, explains why:

Ghrelin and leptin are powerful players in appetite suppression. Scientific studies show Almased reduces the release of the hormones ghrelin and leptin while keeping the metabolism active as well.

Bottom Line: The Almased Formula Acts to Adjust The Appetite to Keep

you feeling full, encouraging weight loss, fat burning and satiety.


This Is Your Wake-up Call

Write your goals down where you can see it each day, grab your Almased shaker bottle and just do it. Your ideal dream body is within you!

You’ll soon see how great you look and how energized you feel as you near your rightful goal weight. And this time next year you won’t be dieting. You’ll be coasting on auto-pilot!

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