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Almased's Low Glycemic Index

Written by Jamie, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Not all foods elevate your blood sugar and insulin levels equally. Whether those levels increase a little or a lot depends on the glycemic index (GI) of the food you consume.

What does the Glycemic Index Mean?

Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical scale used to indicate how fast and how high a particular food can raise blood sugar levels. The lower the GI, the less your blood sugar will rise. Lean meats, fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), and whole grains are a good choice. When it comes to fruits, certain fruits are better than others. Berries and apples, for instance, have a lower glycemic index than watermelon or pineapple.

Additionally, please keep in mind that there are different types of carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates (such as whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa or brown rice) provide calories, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Foods that are high in processed, refined simple sugars, like candy, soda, syrups, provide so-called “empty” calories, as they contain very little nutrition.

It is wise to limit these sugars. Glycemic index charts are available online. In general, foods that have a GI that is below 55 should be preferred.

Almased has a low glycemic index

One serving (50g) of all-natural Almased has a low glycemic index of 27. You can use Almased as a meal replacement or as a healthy snack.

To improve your weight and your health and maintain your blood sugar and insulin levels:

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat more legumes (beans, lentils, and dried peas).
  • Eat more lean protein (low-fat dairy, lean meat, fish, tofu)
  • Make at least half your grains whole, e.g., brown rice, bulgur, whole wheat bread.

Have an Almased shake daily as part of a healthy diet!

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