| 9 minutes

What it's Like to Use Almased for Weight Loss

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Meet Lisa D. from Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lisa is a fit individual who has gained a small amount of weight in recent years. With her wedding coming up at the end of the year, she wants to lose a few pounds and some belly fat to feel comfortable in her wedding dress. She's going to follow the Almased Diet for fast weight loss. Let's see how she does and what it's like to use Almased.

Follow Lisa's journey by checking in on this blog post for updates from Lisa.

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How Lisa Lost The Weight

Part 3

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How Lisa Lost The Weight

Part 2

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How Lisa Lost The Weight

Part 1

August 24, 2018

Lisa has been looking for a meal replacement shake program that can be customized and explains how to lose weight fast. At the start of her diet, Lisa is replacing her morning meal with an Almased shake and watching her portions and carefully selecting foods for her other two meals. 

"I just started on my diet on [August 24, 2018]. I drink the Almased shake in the morning and have a wholesome meal in the day, and then I eat lean protein and veggies in the evening. So far, I have lost 5 lbs this week." 

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