Best Way to Boost Metabolism is to Balance Work and Health
Does Stress Kill? Tackle Stress and Its Metabolic Triggers Head On
Stress kills. This can be really scary since a whopping 8 out of 10 Americans are stressed out.
And it’s not only life-changing events that set us on edge; it can be all of the little worries and annoyances that add up. Every week. Every month. Every year.
One big area that stress messes with is our hormones: adrenaline and cortisol.
Like it or not, the human metabolism is hard-wired to tap into the increased focus, strength and reaction time brought on by these surging hormones.
Which is great, every so often, when our ancestors had to run from a predator or protect their tribe from an attacker.
But when these hormones are always on, responding to all of the little stresses we feel all the time, the damage to our bodies can be devastating.
Leading to weight gain, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancers and a whole boatload of health problems all linked to a metabolism that's completely out of whack, which in turn causes inflammation.
And inflammation is a core part of all of the diseases of this century.
In an extensive weight loss study, the scientists at the University of Freiburg compared several diet programs. Surprisingly, the participants of the Almased group not only lost more fat than all other groups but also their stress hormones decreased and inflammatory markers went down as well. In the other groups, the markers went up. This means that Almased is able to “deflame” the entire body over time due to its basic ingredients and richness in antioxidants.
And it’s no surprise that Americans reported the highest levels of stress, anger, and worry in a decade. Out of 143 countries, America exceeded the global stress average by a full 20 percent!
And scientists have proven that stress boosts our feasting on sugar and bad fat, and vice versa! High levels of cortisol and insulin may be part of the culprits here too.
While we can’t live in a bubble or get rid of all stress, one thing that makes all of us feel better is being healthier.
And one way we can help our bodies get there is to tackle any weight issues that are making us stressed or feeling bad about ourselves when we shouldn’t.
An important part of that is to boost our metabolism.
But weight-loss drugs and fat-free foods aren’t the answer. They just make everything worse. Look for natural solutions, including healthy foods and shakes that can help increase those energy levels and enhance wellness.