| 15 minutes

Fasting Diet: How to lose weight fast with Almased

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

There are many good reasons to fast and many fasting plans from which to choose. Which is right for you?

The daunting thought of unrelenting hunger is one reason some people are reluctant to try fasting.

The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon offers a limited fast for rapid yet safe weight loss and weight management that keeps you full for hours, supports metabolism, and maintains healthy blood sugar and energy levels.

There are so many good reasons to fast. Abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink has long been used as a cultural devotion or religious observance, possibly originating as a way of coping with food insecurity during times of food scarcity.

The fasting diet has now become a favorite tool for rapid weight loss, weight management, and improved health. The reasons we may want quick weight loss are varied. Some are,

  • Inflammatory and cleansing benefits of detoxification
  • Resting the digestive system
  • Resetting hunger signals
  • Acute health conditions, including pre-surgical weight requirements
  • Fine-tuning of appearance – for prominent occasions

When considering how to fast, you’ll soon find that not all regimens are created equal. Some fasts exclude all food while others allow certain foods in limited quantities or certain low-calorie foods, in unlimited amounts.

Liquid fasts prohibit all solid food but permit certain beverages such as high-protein drinks, fruit or vegetable juices, or perhaps broths and teas.

All fasts should encourage drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated while flushing out toxins and are set for a pre-designated time limit.

Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.

Did you know that almost 40% of adults in the United States are obese, meaning with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30? Further, more than 70% are overweight, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Many want to know how to lose weight fast; we all want to look our best and feel confident in life. Struggling with obesity is more than a battle for vanity or self-esteem; it’s about survival and a life worth living.

Unfortunately, some people who are obese know what it feels like to be judged and found lacking. Some people may look upon obesity as a personal failing, but there’s more to it than that.

Obesity is hard to live with, and no one wants it; some even withdraw or socially isolate. Simple activities become difficult to perform and as health deteriorates energy drags, and you don’t feel well.

Those who battle to lose weight may often experiment with various weight loss methods and sometimes with success – only to gain it back again and then some. Discouragement is understandable.

Dieters who work to keep weight off will find that the Almased nutritional supplement safely encourages the body to quickly shed even large amounts of excess belly fat and keep it off over the long term.

Get Maximum Weight Loss Results in Minimum Time

If your new dream body is already taking shape in your mind, now is the time for the “big commit.” 

Maybe you’re inspired by an upcoming event that makes it extra important to look your absolute best. Or maybe you’re just fed up with carrying that extra belly fat and you’re hard-core ready to move on!

Whatever the motivation, be glad for it because changing your diet can give you a total reset of your relationship with food and even save your life.  

Start your new lifestyle with these “do-not” tips and, by the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll know how to lose the most weight and regain your best health in the least amount of time. 

  • Do not go hungry. It’s against the rules. You might think the hungrier you are, the faster you’ll lose weight—not so! Starving actually shocks your body into “OMG” mode and slows down metabolism. The body then clings to every ounce of fat you've got, all to avoid the anticipated famine. 
  • Do not start a diet plan that you don’t like. The right diet program for you is the one that keeps you looking forward to the delicious and nutritious real foods that you love. Remember, your diet isn’t the enemy; it’s the faithful friend who is giving you what you most need and truly want.
  • Do not focus on what you “cannot” eat. Keep your eye on the ball and all those tasty morsels that you can eat while dieting for weight loss and lifestyle change. It also helps to remove any unwanted, unhealthy foods from your pantry and your eyesight. 
  • Do not let doubt creep in. You know what you want, so don't let self-doubt cloud your motivation. Keep your inner and outer talk positive and be mindful of the results you want and your willingness to see it through. 
  • Do not ignore the facts. Losing weight too quickly can lead to muscle loss, extreme fatigue, dehydration, malnutrition and even gallstones. Rapid but safe weight loss can be good; unhealthy weight loss is always unacceptable.

Which fasting plan is best for you?

Best diet program to lose weight fast

The best diet to lose weight fast is likely to include some amount of fasting. The science behind fasting shows that quick weight loss at the start of a diet is best for good results.

Above all, choose a diet program you can believe in wholeheartedly because once you decide to go forward, you want to go with confidence. If doubts crop up, it’s too easy to abandon good intentions.

The Almased Diet is the preferred choice because of proven scientific research that demonstrates successful results. It's also motivating to know many Almased users have succeeded in their weight loss goals and went on to keep the weight off.

Losing the weight and keeping it off is the win-win reward you’re looking for.

Other fasting programs can backfire after the weight is lost. If you are consuming less than needed to lose weight, the body slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. Once the fast is over, your appetite can soar, and you may feel hungrier than ever and be likely to overeat - again.

Not so with the Almased Plan! Almased stays with you for a lifetime of successful weight management, improved health and well-being.

Almased is your most potent weapon against weight regain and the yo-yo diet effect.

Although using Almased will continue to curb your appetite and pump your metabolism when the fast is over, you don’t want to return to old eating habits that created unwanted conditions in the first place.

So, step 1 of any fast should begin with preparing to bring healthier foods that you love into your new life.

Empty the junk foods from your cupboards and write out a new shopping list. Keep healthy foods readily available, shun sugary beverages, and processed foods in favor of whole food sources.

Stock up on your favorite spices, extracts, and flavorings to blend with your Almased shakes. Everything from cinnamon to peppermint goes – for ideas, look to our smoothie recipes. The visual inspiration will show you why fasting is more fun with Almased.

The Almased Diet Plan

What Is Almased? It’s a unique lower-carb high-protein weight-loss shake that floods your body with key nutrients and amino acids. It features 27 grams of protein in a natural formula that comes in a powder for super-easy mixing into shakes and smoothies.

Part of the Almased Diet Plan includes a modified, liquid fast that is unlike others. On the Almased diet, you are fasting and eating for health, and you won't go hungry!

For a time, you go without food but never without nourishment. Almased shakes help control appetite by balancing the hunger hormones, leptin and ghrelin, giving you feelings of satiety for hours – with no stimulants!

No worries about the discomfort of cravings with Almased!

The Almased meal replacement is supported by over 30 years of global research and experience. In addition to aiding in weight loss by promoting metabolism and the breakdown of fat, Almased supports the retention of muscle mass and works with the gut microbiome to support immune system health.

How to Lose Weight with Almased

You can power from fast-tracking fat loss to preserving your successful goal weight. It's easy to drink Almased shakes in place of 1, 2 or 3 meals daily. Or just use Almased as an occasional healthy snack to hold on to your weight loss success.

Eating well doesn't have to be complicated. Good nutrition and effortless weight management are real, and you can get them with the Almased diet program.

Whatever your goal, you can’t go wrong with Almased.

Almased’s diet program of shakes and smoothie recipes are at the heart of both rapid (and safe) weight loss and long-term weight management. They are so delicious, and there are so many different flavors to choose from – you won’t want this diet to end!

Almased’s Figure Plan Plus pegs four phases of weight loss and allows you to customize your diet strategy according to your needs.

The Almased Shake - The True Superstar

Almased powder is blended with 10-12 ounces of water and 1-2 teaspoons of either olive, flaxseed, or walnut oil.

Because the Almased shakes are neutral-tasting, you can enjoy them plain, or flavor them to your taste with cinnamon, instant coffee powder (or cold coffee instead of water), a dash of unsweetened cocoa or a few drops of your favorite baking extracts, like vanilla, coconut or lemon.

The Almased Fast consists of three shakes per day and plenty of water, herbal tea, vegetable broth or juice. Coffee and tea are allowed but limit yourself to no more than 2 cups of coffee or tea per day.

There are no complicated recipes, no counting calories, no distractions. The Almased fast is as easy as it is effective!

We call this the Bikini-Emergency-Plan because it’s designed for the most rapid weight loss – no bikini needed!

You can continue the Almased fast having three meal replacement shakes every day, for three days or up to two weeks. After the fast, you can keep using the shakes as part of the Almased Figure Plan. It is essential to introduce food back into the body slowly after a period of fasting with no solid food. The Almased reduction phase in the Figure Plan helps the body ease back into a regular diet and at the same time, continue to lose weight.

Get Results With The Right Weight Loss Meal Plan

Heavier people will lose more pounds more quickly than people who are lighter. But the percentage of weight loss remains about the same.

One guiding principle of weight loss is that cutting 500 calories from the diet each day leads to losing about 1 percent of total body weight per week. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you will lose about 1.5 pounds per week. 

But, is tracking calories the best way to get the results you want?

The best weight loss meal plan should be safe, nutritious, supportive of healthy glucose levels and cardiovascular health, and easy to follow. 

On all counts, the Almased low-glycemic high-protein (LGHP) meal plan comes out on top. Here’s why. 

The “busy work” of counting calories or carbs is unnecessary

  • Less complicated and less time consuming
  • Naturally resets appetite and metabolism
  • Uses quality natural shake recipes to replace or supplement meals
  • Puts the focus on healthy whole foods – “real” foods that are delicious
  • Allows for occasional indulgences and “feasting” holidays
  • The Almased Facebook community offers friendly group support
  • Almased.com offers professional diet info and chat-line help
  • Successful results are backed up by scientific research
  • Discourages the yo-yo effect of weight regain when the diet is over
  • Is diabetic friendly and linked to many health benefits
  • Encourages fat loss while protecting the body from muscle loss
  • Customizes weight loss according to your individual goals
  • Helps transition to healthy habits for long-term weight maintenance
  • Works with alternate dietary patterns

All phases are designed to help boost metabolism plus maximize weight loss and fat burn.

The most rapid results begin with Phase 1, during which you’ll drink three Almased shakes per day. This resets your metabolism to burn fat while protecting the body from muscle loss. 

Because Almased promotes healthy levels of the hunger-controlling hormone ghrelin, you may feel full for four to six hours. 

You can stay in the first phase from three up to 14 days (if needed). Through the next three stages, weight loss continues, but at a slower rate.

The Almased effect not only helps you lose weight more quickly but can also help you sustain the results once the diet is over, and you’re eating solid meals again.

When you do occasionally indulge, you can quickly make it up. Simply replace a meal with an Almased shake over the next day or two.

If you choose to eliminate highly-processed foods and include healthier, whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, you can further promote weight loss and overall excellent health.

It’s all up to you. Whatever route you choose, do it with the thought in mind of making the new habits stick. 

Because Almased is a healthy weight loss supplement, you can step into the program with full certainty that you’re treating your body to the wellness you deserve. 

Almased is made from three high-quality ingredients: non-GMO soy, cultured yogurt, and enzyme-rich raw honey combined in a unique fermentation process with an ideal 2:1 protein and carb ratio.

Start with Fasting – The Bikini-Emergency-Plan

Fasting Phase: Drink three shakes a day made with water and added oil. Consume veggie juice or broth daily. Coffee and tea are allowed and be sure to drink plenty of water.

Onward to Reduction Phase of the Figure Plan

Reduction Phase: Drink two shakes a day, replacing breakfast and dinner with an Almased shake and eating one solid, healthy meal for lunch. You can add a small amount of low-glycemic fruits, such as berries mixed into your shakes or served with your meal.

Continue to Stability and Life Phase

Eat a solid, healthy meal for breakfast and lunch and drink an Almased for dinner. You will continue to lose weight but at a slower pace.

After that, return to eating three healthy meals a day and add 1 Almased shake as a nutritional supplement for weight management. You can begin using almond milk or skim milk and occasionally some other fruit recipes.

In one Almased study, we’ve seen that fasting with Almased yields healthier blood sugar and more significant weight loss compared to those who skipped the Almased fast. So, if possible, Almased strongly recommends starting the Almased diet with the fasting phase.

Lastly, a note from success story Deborah B., who achieved her rapid weight loss goal using the Almased Bikini-Emergency-Plan.

I am 52 years old, and my weight had gotten out of hand. I fasted for two weeks (Almased mixed with water), felt satisfied and full, and lost twelve pounds!

In the last two years, I lost over 50 pounds and went from a size 18 down to a size 10. I feel great! To this day, I drink Almased once a day.

With the support of Almased, you will not only lose more weight than with any other diet but also feel healthy and revitalized.

A faster and stronger metabolism

Current research from the University of Edmonton in Canada shows that nutrient-rich Almased can have a positive impact on several metabolic factors that can help boost metabolism and energy levels without any stimulants.

To see what others have experienced, take a look at some of our real-life weight loss success stories

Omer from Phoenix, AZ, lost 74 pounds using the Almased’s Figure Plan.

“Almased made the impossible possible!” – Omer A

Jan was plagued with joint pain, low energy and poor sleep. She dropped five sizes and 54 pounds in six months. 

“I’ve tried numerous diet plans and shakes, but none worked like Almased. The program is so simple… it doesn’t involve counting points or knowing the number of calories. Just drink the shake!.” – Jan R

Robin gave Almased a 5-star review. She was amazed that the Almased program was so easy and how many flavors she could create.

“Once you get started on the program, you will be amazed at how fast the weight comes off. One more thing, I just love the Almased website; they [are] always posting new information to help keep you on the program. If you ever have a question, they always get back to you in a very short time. Almased, keep up the great job!!!" – Robin Raskin – Almased Reviewer

Almased gives you the fastest, most extreme weight loss and health gains from your very first sip.

Speed up your success by reaching for an Almased shake right now!

How Much Weight is Safe to Lose in a Month?

How Fast is it Safe to Lose Weight? This varies for everyone, but Dr. Hensrud, of the Mayo Clinic, writes that a weight loss of one to two pounds a week, or 4 to 8 pounds a month, is a typically safe recommendation.

The concern of many health care professionals is that super-fast weight loss usually takes extraordinary efforts that probably aren't sustainable as a permanent lifestyle change.

A shifting realization can sometimes trigger a desire for transformation.

Almased Success Story Crystal C. was looking at her birthday pictures when she suddenly noticed how much weight she had gained - which inspired her to take the plunge.

Crystal wrote: “Replacing meals with a shake was easy. I did the [liquid] fasting phase for 10 days. Three shakes per day and vegetable broth in between when I felt hungry. I couldn’t believe how quickly the pounds just fell off. It has been almost 4 months, and I have lost 52 lbs. AMAZING!! It truly works if you stick to the plan.”

While trying for rapid weight loss, a lot of factors come into play. When you shed pounds very quickly, you risk the chance of losing more water weight or lean tissue than fat calories.

This would mean you would not lose as much fat as with more modest weight loss. However, healthy rapid weight loss is attainable.

Almased recommends the Bikini-Emergency-Plan, which is a liquid fast of Almased shakes for a period of 3 to 14 days - depending upon your ideal weight loss goals, age, and general fitness.

By using the Almased nutritional supplement as a meal replacement, you keep yourself nourished without the misery of hunger pangs, loss of lean muscle tissue, or slumping energy levels.

Backed by years of international research, and multi-centered scientific studies, the Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ has been shown to keep one full longer and optimize the fat-burning process while supporting healthy leptin and insulin levels.

Appetite quickly adjusts, and many Almased consumers write about how they were able to stick to their diet because of the satiety factor from using Almased.

The Best and Safest Way to Lose Weight

To lose the right weight appetite regulation is key, not just calorie restriction. While other supplements suppress appetite, the Almased formula adjusts the appetite for safe weight loss, and the results are extraordinary.

Stunning health benefits result from combining 3 powerful yet wholly natural ingredients when using Almased’s proprietary fermentation process: High-quality non-GMO plant-based protein, cultured yogurt, and chock-full-of-enzymes raw honey. Everything in Almased is good for you!

Why would anyone not want this?

Obese or overweight individuals can successfully implement these small lifestyle improvements to change their behaviors like eating, physical activity, stress management, and quality of sleep. Start with Almased, and the rest is easy.

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