Fortunately, science has been learning more about the human microbiome. For example, we now know that 70 to 80 percent of the immune system is in the gut.
This makes the microbiome critical to both gut health and immunity, two areas that have been challenged during the recent COVID pandemic.
Scientists now refer to the gut, or the enteric nervous system, as the body’s second brain, perhaps because it is the largest mass of neurons apart from the brain and the fact that it functions independently.
“Age, genetics, diet, environment, and lifestyle all influence the kinds of bacteria that make up the gut microbiome," according to the Mayo Clinic.
Yet, it is your daily diet and healthy lifestyle choices that give you long term advantage over the other factors you cannot control. So, listen to your gut instincts and follow a healthy gut diet plan.
So, there’s no better time than right now to be able to address those needs, deficiencies and challenges with dietary supplements.