Lose Weight Fast: 5 Weight Loss Obstacles and How to Overcome Them

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

If you’re among the many duking it out with your weight, here are 5 proven diet tips that can help you succeed. You can trust they really work since they come straight from our Almased Success Stories.

1. Overcoming Fear

Dieting can conjure fears of change, hidden worries of failure, and dread of giving up all our favorite foods. These worries and fears can be a huge block to weight loss, and fear of commitment may even keep us from trying. 

Almased Success Story Karol S. stated that she always struggled and worried about weight loss issues, but one day she simply woke up and decided to make a change - at her own pace.

“Let me be honest and say that I have always struggled with my weight and have always worried about the numbers on the scale. I didn’t consider [Almased] a diet… it was something that I could consider a positive, healthy lifestyle change. I started off slowly by changing some of my eating habits, cutting out the junk food I loved so much, just drinking Almased. OMG, it does work!!!” - Karol S.

The truth is, you don’t have to do without all your favorite foods to lose weight. 

Small amounts of higher-calorie food can be part of your diet, especially once you’ve achieved your ideal weight.

Just keep in mind that you must burn more calories than you take in to lose weight. Also, once you're accustomed to eating healthy foods, you'll actually want them more. 

2. Hunger and cravings

One of the struggles of weight loss comes from hunger and an appetite that just won't quit.

Yet, as Karol S. said, she never felt hungry or wanted sweets. So, we know it is possible to lose weight without hunger.

Here are some natural ways to help ease those pesky cravings.

  • Eat bulky, low-calorie foods. Most diets allow for as many non-starchy veggies as you’d like, either raw or cooked as a soup broth.
  • Eat more high fiber foods. Fiber slows down digestion and can help to feel full throughout the day. These foods include whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and most veggies.
  • Drink more water. One 8-week study showed that drinking 1.5 liters of water daily caused a reduction in appetite and weight and led to more significant fat loss as well.  
  • Science shows that gram for gram, protein tends to be more filling than carbohydrates or fat. An increase in dietary protein can result in significant weight loss.
  • Almased shakes are more than just people pleasers. Studies from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, show the body has a significantly lower level of ghrelin (the appetite-regulating hormone) after 2 hours of consuming Almased — Almased fills you up and satisfies hunger for hours longer than compared to a standard meal.

Other Almased Success Story users had this to say:

“The thing I like the best [about Almased] was that I was never hungry.” – Carol E. (Almased Reviewer)

“On the Almased Program, I don’t feel hungry in between meals.” – Jan R. (Almased Success Story)  

“I was amazed by the results and by the amount of energy I felt almost immediately. I felt amazing. I was not hungry; all I wanted to do was eat healthily. My cravings for bad food no longer existed.” – Wendy C. (Almased Success Story)

3. Struggling with slow metabolism

If you feel constant fatigue and find it difficult to lose weight, a slower-than-normal metabolism may be the culprit. 

But it doesn’t take long to feel a lot more energized using the right kind of diet to rev up your metabolism.

The Almased nutritional supplement was initially developed to combat metabolic and weight issues naturally, through high-quality nutrition. When energy levels soar, and you feel better than ever, you know you’re on the right track. 

According to a study from the University of Alberta, an Almased-based diet gives the body a metabolic advantage compared to a regular diet.

The Almased Diet Program optimizes metabolism, so you burn fat calories while sleeping and more fat calories during the day. The body selects fat as fuel leading to greater fat loss.

While gaining back her high energy levels, 74-year old Joan S. experienced a weight loss of 34 pounds!

Joan S. and other Almased users shared this with us:

“Before [Almased] I had no energy, my health was declining, and I wasn't feeling great about myself. I can honestly say that using Almased has changed my life. I have more energy than I've had in a long time, and I feel great!" – Joan S. (Almased Success Story)  

“Before [Almased], I had low energy and weight gain due to low thyroid. I feel like a new woman.” –  Tina S. (Almased Reviewer)

"This product rocks... I wake up with so much energy; it is fantastic. Great for weight loss. Also, I would never travel without it; it keeps me from getting tired and jet-lagged. You will love it." – Melinda S. (Almased Reviewer)     

4. Food boredom

Food boredom can become a real issue for dieters and those who are new to preparing nutrient-dense, quality foods, rich in vitamins and minerals.

You’re not doomed to a life of only lean meats and green vegetables just to eat clean. 

Creative thinking, improved cooking methods, and a recipe search can add a variety of exciting dishes to your new diet.

Variety is one of the most popular benefits of Almased smoothies. Almased is packed with multi-sourced protein, infused with the sweetness of honey, and has a mild flavor that adapts to your choice of fruit, spices, and extracts.
In fact, there’s a delicious Almased shake for every season, every holiday, and everyone’s taste. You will never ever be bored!

All you need with the Almased powder is a blender or a blender bottle, your choice of liquid (such as water, low-fat milk, or almond milk), a spoon of healthy oil, and your most craved flavorings. And, a few leaves of spinach won’t hurt if you’d like to go green.

Almased shake users had this to say:

“Almased is simply the best and most versatile protein shake! So many ways to prepare it. Bored with your protein shake? Try Almased! Keeps you full, and you feel good about the choice to put healthy ingredients in your body. Another perk... you'll begin to sleep amazing after the first week of fasting!” –  Becky Ruppel Almased Reviewer  

"I am new to Almased, and I am hooked. I add strawberries and bananas, and it keeps me full til lunch, and I feel great. I am looking forward to trying more recipes that I see online, give it a try I'm glad I did." –  Sandy Mack (Almased Reviewer)

I have been using the pumpkin spice (my favorite), unsweetened cocoa powder, as well as 8 ounces of black coffee and 4 ounces of almond milk. These recipes have been the staple of my diet. Been on it for just 4 days and lost 5 pounds! So happy I found Almased."  – Theresa Buckley (Almased Reviewer)

5.  Dieting backlash

Oh, the despair of yo-yo dieting. The truth is, most of us can lose weight, but it always seems to bounce back with a vengeance, and we end up weighing more than we did when we started!

But you can beat this diet struggle with Almased’s proven plan for permanent weight maintenance. It’s a simple concept that works. 

When you first notice the scale numbers rising, or clothes fitting a little bit tighter, grab the Almased out of your pantry and blend up your favorite recipe.

Replace one or two meals with your favorite Almased smoothie for a few days, and you'll be right back (or closer) to your goal weight. It's also a handy way to allow for indulgences when splurging on special occasions.

5-Star Almased Reviewer Vanda B. backs up her successful weight maintenance program by always keeping a few cans of Almased on hand.

“I haven't gained any weight since I lost 12 pounds 2 years ago. I always keep at least 2-3 cans of Almased on hand. Whenever I want to lose a few pounds quickly, I replace 2 meals with Almased, and the weight just comes off within a few days.” – Vanda B. (Almased Reviewer)

“I highly recommend Almased to anyone looking to lose weight. Especially if you’re a “yo-yo dieter” and have a hard time sticking to traditional diets, I would say give Almased a try. You won’t regret it.” – Nicole H. (Almased Success Story)

The 4-Step Figure Plan to Lose Weight Fast

Over 30 years ago, A German holistic therapist discovered that using Almased results in successful weight loss.

The Almased Figure Plan guides you through the 4-Phases of weight management using their delicious diet shakes as a meal replacement.

You’ll see how to lose weight fast in Phase 1, and by Phase 4 you’ll know how to hang onto your best weight without any bounce-back!

“I couldn’t believe how quickly the pounds just fell off. Replacing meals with a shake was easy.” – Crystal C. (Almased Success Story)

"I have started the 14 Day Figure Plan and love it!!!!! The Almased keeps me full throughout the day, and the 3-day liquid diet really made me feel like a whole new person. I had a ton more energy - Theresa Buckley (Almased Reviewer) 

Why Almased Is the Best Protein Shake

It’s not just a buzzword. Almased protein shakes really are the best, and it starts with the highest quality of ingredients. Non-GMO soy and actively cultured yogurt are specially fermented with the finest raw honey filled with living enzymes.

Almased is all good, and there's none of the bad stuff like – preservatives, fillers, added or artificial sugars. It also has no gluten and zero stimulants!

Almased’s delicious low-glycemic high-protein meal shakes are packed with vitamins and minerals. It all adds up to help boost metabolism and blast away unwanted body fat.

No one wants to think they’re using less than the best when it comes to their health, and Almased gives the results you want.

“I love the taste and quality ingredients for Almased. I use it as a meal replacement and found that I feel great and fulfilled. Excellent product!” -  Emily T. (Almased Reviewer)

Almased covers all the bases to help take the struggle out of dieting. Almased can banish diet fears, help stomp out hunger pangs, supercharge your energy reserves, fight food boredom, and guard against diet backlash. 

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